Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

The WLAN-FE dongle has hotspots only within 3 minutes after it is powered on. In order to
upgrade the inverter locally, the SDongle needs to be disconnected and connected again to the
USB port of the inverter.

In this (Upload Files | Free File Upload and Transfer Up To 10 GB) link is instruction from huawei support how to upgrade inverter and it worked for me.

a silly question, but how do you restart the inverter?

I just removed it from USB and insert it back. I didn’t restart inverter.

does the new firmware allow tcp access over wifi?

Mam RPi - Licznik huawei 666 działa po czytniku RS485 w HA, czy mogę jednocześnie czytac dane z falownika po donglu podłączonym po LAN? jak dopisuję config do czytnika TCP to znikają mi czujniki po RS485? Wtf?

Nie wiem czy dobrze cię zrozumiałem, ale u siebie odczyt danych z falownika poprzez wbudowany AP (modbus tcp) oraz odczyt danych przez LAN działają niezależnie i nie rozłączają się na wzajem. W obu przypadkach mam dostęp do danych z falownika oraz licznika w tym samym czasie (dwie różne maszyny z HA podpięte jedna do LAN druga do AP invertera). Niestety nie posiadam konwertera RS485 bo chyba o niego ci chodzi więc nie wiem jak się będzie zachowywał, ale przypuszczam że przy równoczesnym połączeniu poprzez LAN nie powinno nic rozłączać.

Pisałes, że odczyt prze LAN (Dongle) jest 24/h - ale u mnie (8ktl-M0) po zachodzie LAN już nie działa (brak ping)

  - name: Solar
    type: tcp
    port: 502
  - name: RS485
    type: serial
    baudrate: 9600
    bytesize: 8
    method: rtu
    parity: N
    port: /dev/ttyUSB0
    stopbits: 1
    delay: 5
    timeout: 3

     -  platform: huawei_solar
        host: ‘’
        optimizers: false
        battery: false
      - name: Solar SunPower
        slave: 1
        address: 32080
        unit_of_measurement: W
        data_type: int
        count: 2
        scale: 1
        precision: 1
        scan_interval: 30 
      - name: Nap Faza 1
        unit_of_measurement: V
        scan_interval: 45
        device_class: power
        slave: 11
        address: 8198
        input_type: input
        count: 2
        data_type: float
        precision: 2

Error po dodaniu linijek ‘platform’ (linia 53 to ta z - platform):
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block collection
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 53, column 6
expected , but found ‘’
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 57, column 7

co jest nie tak?

EDIT: przeniosłem blok ‘- platform’ przed ‘modbus’ i już nie ma błędu konfiguracji. Wszystko działa teraz nauka jak zrobic wykresy :slight_smile:

Masz zdublowane połączenie do falownika poprzez dwie różne integracje.

     -  platform: huawei_solar
        host: ‘’
        optimizers: false
        battery: false


  - name: Solar
    type: tcp
    port: 502

Przy czym ta pierwsza nie zadziała bo brakuje “slave: 1”, a pisałeś że połączenie jest kabelkiem LAN.
Dodam tak informacyjnie że na forum, mimo że czasem to robię, nie można używać innych języków niż angielski. W innym temacie już moderacja zwróciła na to uwagę.

Thanks Rafal, it works now - i have one sensor (name of inverter) with lots of atributes available -

model_id: 404
serial_number: HV20B0094425
nb_pv_strings: 2
rated_power: 8000
grid_standard: Custom (50 Hz)
grid_country: Custom
daily_yield: 33.12
total_yield: 7316.92
grid_voltage: 409.8
grid_current: 2.253
line_voltage_A_B: 409.8
line_voltage_B_C: 411.2
line_voltage_C_A: 406.9
phase_A_voltage: 235.2
phase_B_voltage: 240
phase_C_voltage: 234
phase_A_current: 2.253
phase_B_current: 2.263
phase_C_current: 2.264
day_active_power_peak: 0
reactive_power: 0
power_factor: 1
efficiency: 96.72
grid_frequency: 49.98
power_meter_active_power: 949
input_power: 1641
grid_A_voltage: 237.1
grid_B_voltage: 232.3
grid_C_voltage: 230.8
active_grid_A_current: 1.83
active_grid_B_current: -8.03
active_grid_C_current: 2.08
active_grid_power_factor: -0.386
active_grid_frequency: 49.97
grid_exported_energy: 190.83
grid_accumulated_energy: 128.21
active_grid_A_B_voltage: 405.1
active_grid_B_C_voltage: 402
active_grid_C_A_voltage: 405.3
active_grid_A_power: 402
active_grid_B_power: -1861
active_grid_C_power: 386
startup_time: 04:44:09
shutdown_time: 05:28:15
internal_temperature: 43.9
device_status: Grid scheduling: Q-U curve
nb_optimizers: 0
system_time: 2021-08-25T14:34:07+00:00
pv_string_01_voltage: 490.9
pv_string_01_current: 1.83
pv_string_02_voltage: 518.6
pv_string_02_current: 1.42
unit_of_measurement: W
friendly_name: SUN2000-8KTL-M0
icon: mdi:solar-power

if I want to use these in Graphana - do I have to create sensor for each of them? Also looks like parameters from Grid meter DTSU-666 are shown as well.

I use graphana and influxdb. There is no need for creating other sensors, because you can use attribute to draw graphs in graphana.

How are you connected to the inverter using wifi or Ethernet?

Is this component compatible with the new energy management introduced in 2021.8?


which attributes did you use?

Guys: PLEASE could you refrain from posting in your mother’s language (if it’s different from English)? It’s hard for others to follow if you need to push every post through Google translate. And much can be lost in translation as well.


Does anyone know a store where the SDongleA is sold at a good price?


TCP over wifi has been working before already. You just need to open a new network where the AP of the inverter is needed. Works easily when you have eg. a RPI4 connected by LAN (prefered method anyway) and use the internal wifi to connect to the access point named (SUNxxxxxxx) with pwd “changeme” (in case you didn’t change it yet).

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can I use my RPi4 running HA to connect to Sunxxxxx access point ? will it work? My RPi4 is connected to network over ethernet. I also have ESP32-DevKitC core board, can it be used for this purpose?

That’s exactly what I just wrote one post over your’s. Did you read it?

So i should follow this guide? Guide: Connecting Pi with Home Assistant OS to wifi (or other networking changes)

This, or any other guide telling you how to enable wifi of your rpi4.