Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

Hi, Thanks for sharing your experiences. After reading them through I’ve decided to upgrade my SDongleA-05 firmware.

After upgrading to V100R001C00SPC123 I can make connection to modbus via ethernet and what’s more interesting - via Wi-Fi also (the dongle is connected to my main router).

Can someone share V100R001C00SPC123 firmware?

Cześć, jakiego routera (model) używasz do połączenia z ap falownika? Mam podobną sytuacje z umiejscowieniem falownika, a ha mam postawione na proxmoxie w zupełnie innym miejscu.

I can not see this version in the Huawei website. Last public for V100R001 is V100R001C00SPC600
What’s the difference between V100R001 and V200R001 (mine) ?

OK, since we have several power outtages lately and the LUNA battery doesn’t come until 2 weeks from now.
How do you restart your inverters so you can connect from HA again?
Do I relly need to turn off AC-> Turn off DC - > Wait at least 30 sec → Turn on DC → Turn on AC

Isn’t there a better way to clear the connection?

Do wczoraj używałem tp-link wr841n z DD-WRT (aby był AP klient ) o ile dobrze pamiętam, ale robiłem migrację z LXC na LXD to podpiąłem na razie kabelkiem LAN.

Cześć zrobiłem Bridge przez starego tplink, falownik jest połączony z moją siecią, ale nie wiem jak dalej z nim rozmawiać z HA. W integracji wskazałem na adres tego routerka ale dalej się nie komunikuje. Tego MAC adresu również nie widzę w mojej sieci… Nie pytał mnie również o hasło…
co jeszcze powinienem sprawdzić / zrobić?


W konfiguracji routera raczej ci nie pomogę, ale falownik ma zazwyczaj Ip lub Nie wiem dokładnie jak działa bridge w oryginalnym sofcie tp-link, ale na dd-wrt falownik mam jaką odrębną podsieć i do karty sieciowej z HA przypisany wirtualny adres z podsieci falownika. Wcześniej opisywałem już tą konfigurację, również inna osoba opisywała inny sposób konfiguracji bridge w tym wątku.

This is the file for MODBUS in Hassio integration , that I created for SUN2000L V2, where the slave is in position “0” I added some other parameters only for one stream and optimizers

Im working to import data optimizers

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I can confirm. Now I don’t need LAN cable. With firmware SPC123 I can connect directly to smart dongle and read data with slave: 1

Can anyone help creating template for Luna battery?

I mean the sensor

There are any way to make work this integration by the connection to slave 0 ? I tried to make work only by modbus integration, but when I setup this integration Solar Inverter huawei 2000L, everything apperas disconnected (modbus data commented)
My inverter is conected to my router in IP, and I setup this IP and Slave 0

Now you are using modbus integration. Only one connection is allowed so if something is connected, then integration from Emilv2 will not work.

Ok, is solved… I created a template sensors add to the main integration and those sensors are not working, but… the main integration is here… and I did’t see… simple concetp mistake…

I’m living in spain. The “Irleand” value is collected from the inverser or in huawei app. ?
Another question… There are some beautiful card to use for this integration ???

Edited: sensors were not working because were defined as sensor.sun2000_6ktl_m1, and mine is sensor.sun2000_6ktl_l1 now all is working

after upgrade files in huawei_solar to newest version ( i have this error WTF?

021-09-17 13:34:49 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] Error parsing manifest.json file at /config/custom_components/huawei_solar/manifest.json: Expecting value: line 7 column 1 (char 6)

also when i check configuration - this error appears:

Platform error sensor.huawei_solar - Integration 'huawei_solar' not found.

Can someone upload previous version of this file?

Select <> and you will have version whatever you want.

You should update all files, not only

I can not find the sensors on the energy setup … I did place all those sensors and they work on a normal card. Can you please help?

You have to create the sensor as mentioned previously

@nemezis336 I did it in Tomato, but since you are using a Tp-link router with Atheros processor, you need the follow the DD-WRT route. How to connect to SUN2000 from DD-WRT –

You mean just add Slave :1 and change ip to dongle’s ip??

Can you share the V100R001C00SPC123 file?