Integration to debug Zigbee firmware?

Dear all,

I am running two UZG-01 coordinators on different sites and I log to a Syslog server to keep all logs and analyse them.

Is there an integration which allows to silently listen to a network with a secondary key. I know that this can be done, but I would prefer a small GUI and the ability to log to a Syslog server.

Kind regards,

Best to ask/describe what exactly you want to achieve instead and now how you want to achieve it as not clear what you mean here when you specifically state that you want to log to a Syslog server.

Regardless, you are better off explaining your problem symptoms in more detail.

If you mean the Zigbee gateway application debug logs then yes you can probably forwared those to a syslog server (though I do not understand why), however if you instead mean sniffing the Zigbee network traffic as in Zigbee radio signals then that is done via a Zigbee sniffer and Wireshark, so then I am not sure how a syslog server fits in, as WireShark is a network protocol analyzer that allows you to run packet captures on a computer running the application. To sniff Zigbee network traffic packets you need a dedicated Texas Instruments CC2531 or Silicon Labs EZSP based adapter (or Nordic Semi nRF5 nrf52840 adapter) which is used to eavesdrop/listen to Zigbee radio signals, and that is not something you want to capture 24/7 but instead want the packet capture to be as small as possible by only capturing the instance when you have a problem.