Integration with Google Analytics?

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone is displaying google analytics on their HASS dashboard.

I’m starting to look at using it for an office environment, and it would be great to be able to display current hits on the company website alongside presence tracking to show who’s in the building, temperature, lighting states, power usage etc.




I´m also interested in this, maybe someone knows where to start?

Wouldn’t an iframe be helpful?

looks like no…i also found this in my google searches if anyone needs a job? lol

new infos? new solutions?

I’d forgotten that I’d even posted this tbh!

I’ve long since moved on from this project, but if I were to do it today then I’d do the following:

  1. Enable the Prometheus endpoint in HomeAssistant to collect information on lights/presence etc.
  2. Send that data to Grafana Cloud Hosted Prometheus
  3. Use Grafana to read the HASS data from Grafana Cloud Hosted Prometheus
  4. Use the Grafana Google Analytics plugin to read Google Analytics data into the same dashboard

Hope that’s of some help!

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