Hi Peter
Due to poor function with tellstick and LUA i gave up that and included my lock in Home-assistant and got it working nice. But i only get registerd that its unlocked by “Keypad Unlock”, what do i need to change to see which code is used or is this not possible?
Which fw version do you run on the lock and Z-Wave module? Updating the last one (1.6) might be needed, and is a bit of work. Check here: https://idlock.no/z-wave_updater/
Hi everyone. I do not know if this is the right place but here goes. After working a lot to get my ID lock 150 working properly - after a new installation of Hassio on synology the secure password was set automatically, meaning reset of the whole z-wave network. Everything has been workign since.
Now after a battery change It seems that the ID-Lock lost the “secure” connection again. Anyone had that issue? Do you need to do something special when you change batteries? reconnect secure again?
Hej Per
Hur menar du att låset tappat säker anslutning? Har aldrig efter batteribyte behövt göra något.
Testa att exkludera och inkludera igen men du skall normalt inte behöva göra detta pga batteribyte.
Hi Per
How do you mean the lock lost secure connection? Never had to do anything after changing the battery.
Try to exclude and include again but you should not normally do this because of battery change.
exactly lost secure connection (as far as I can see) and the node is presumed dead. I was not able to
exclude and include again. I had to remove the integration and start over - but strange if no one else has had the same issue. I’ll let you all know if it happens next time again.
Tjena Andreas!
Har själv ett id lock 150 och fungerar riktigt bra för mig med HA hittils. Men vet ej hur jag ska kunna se vem det är som låser upp dörren! Har du lyckats lösa det och har lust att säga hur? Mvh
Det funkar inte med ordinarie z-wave integrationen i HA som baseras på open z-wave 1.4. Jag har klivit över till mqtt z-wave där jag nu får upp direkt i HA vem som låste upp. Så jag rekommenderar varmt att byta då det dels underlättar omstarterna men även att jag upplever lite snabbare respons.
Mvh Andreas
Okay, does that work if I lock with pincode and activate the away mode? Or do I need to activate the away mode with a template switch that set the lock in away mode?
Only way right now is to use template button to activate away mode. There is no way im aware of to read settings in ozwd from HA. So its a work around.
Hi Andreas, i have tried all of the above mentioned ways to get this working but there are more or less oblivious ups and downs with each way.
Regular Z-wave integration:
Can get all the settings to work but it can more or less just show unlock/lock status.
Open Z-wave (beta) integration: More info but no settings.
Zwavetomqtt: Millions of options but really hard to get it working as expected. I think I should be able to make custom entities with lock info, settings etc but i haven’t figured that part out yet. Andreas you are using zwavetomqtt with idlock? Do you have a good template?
Some follow up on this subject. Tried switching to openhab and got much better results. After changing command poll intervall from 1500 ms to 10 000 ms in openhab i get all the notification reports and it shows instantly if the door is open or closed. Allt the configuration settings works too.
Does anyone know how to fix the command poll problem? I still want to use home assistant but the zwave-integration is not good.
This is what I got when the lock was added as unsecure node. Make sure to add the lock as a secure node, after switching over to the new openZwave (still in beta, until Q1 2021) add-on and integration. ID lock 150 does not work out of the box with the standard z-wave component in Home Assistant (soon to be depreciated anyway), as it does not have built-in support for id lock 150.