Integration with Minut Point?

I don’t know what is happening and will be able to troubleshoot in a couple of days, but have you tested to just trigger then the states goes to on? Or look at configuring the automation based on the triggers similar to how it is done for ifttt.

Hej Fredrik!
Has been running the automation for a few days now and it seems that the heartbeat from Point triggers the alarm once every hour.
I been running on HA version 84.2, don’t know if it can be the cause?
Tested to upgrade to 86.0 today and then the other Point sensors appeared (temperature, humidity and sound etc.).
Unfortunately, it also caused all my devices from Telldus/Tellstick to disappear, so I have to try to sort it out first! ;O(
/// Peter

As I said, will investigate what might trigger the automation from point.

I’m sorry about TelldusLive (I’m the one that have been maintaining that code). Hade an unfortunate bug that caused some sensors to not show up. This caused the fix to change the persistent ids’ so you might need to edit the .storage/entity_registry to fix it.

I’m happy for you that you can run 0.86 mine does not even start.

Yes, you are right. And that is due to the last heard from changes :slight_smile:.

Change your automation to this:

- id: '1548404931395'
  alias: Point button press
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.hallen_button_press
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: Point was pressed
      title: Point press
    service: notify.MailNotifiier

Hello Fredrik!

After updating to 86.2 and following your advice to edit in entity_registry,
all my Telldus devices are back and running again! All of the Point entities/sensors works fine to.
Many thanks!


when trying the Automation:

’ This one triggers when button pressed and on LastUpdated!

  • entity_id: binary_sensor.hallen_button_press
    platform: state
    condition: []
  • data:
    title: ‘Minut Point alert’
    message: Point button was pressed with no state!
    service: notify.viamail

But not this!

  • entity_id: binary_sensor.hallen_button_press
    platform: state
    to: ‘“on”’
    condition: []
  • data:
    title: ‘Minut Point alert’
    message: Point button was pressed with no state!
    service: notify.viamail

Tried with different combination of Single and Double Quotes around the to: text, but no luck!

Is it possible to test with:
# data_template:
# title: Minut Point alert
# message: Point button just changed to {{ }}
or something?


Looks like the points are causing some issues with the new update:

F.Y.I. - It works in 86.x and 87.0 on my Raspberry (not Docker).

I’ve got initial alarm_control support working.

Here are the changes:

This is the right way to trigger button press:

  alias: Point button press
  - event_type: point_webhook_received
    platform: event
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ == 'short_button_press' }}"
  - data_template:
      message: "Button press on Point {{ }}"
      title: "Point button press"
    service: persistent_notification.create

I will update the documentation for Point with this example. But be aware that things might change as I think actually should be (I’ll see if I might have made some errors with the event).

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I’ve verified and there was an issue with the code for the binary_sensors update, this fixes that.

Also, you need to check your editor, it seems like you are sending strange quotes (”’ is not ").

Edit: tested automation below:

- id: '1548404931395'
  alias: Point button press binary_sensor
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.mjovik_button_press
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: Point was pressed (binary sensor)
      title: Point press
    service: notify.notify
  - data:
      message: Point was pressed (binary sensor)
      title: Point press
    service: persistent_notification.create

Thank you Fredrik!
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -”
― Heraclitus

just as a FYI, I am currently authoring a plugin for Homeseer, you can get the token without listening for a postback if you just request a token initially using users username and password as per following details on the, you don’t need to get a postback, this will return the key in response to the request.

new AuthReq()
client_id = “xxxxxxxxxxxx”,
client_secret = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
grant_type = “password”,
username = Username,
password = Password

Happy news!

Home Assistant v0.89 contains Alarm Control panel for Point!

The documentation have also been updated with usage examples of triggers and webhooks.

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I have just got my Minut Point installed and connected to Home Assistant, and everything seems to work but one strange thing is that I seems to be missing on binary_sensor, specificaly the motion sensor.
Any idea what the problem could be?

It is a documentation error, the current component for home assistant does not create a motion sensor,as the API from Minut does not expose that information. Please ask [email protected] for that support and I’ll be happy to add it to home assistant.

Hi. I found an error on the 13 January and I forgot to report it. I don’t know if it is fixed, but the problem was that “Connectivity” was “Connected” while “offline” was true. This seems wrong.

(Sorry for the delay!)

Yes, that seems to be an error, but it seems to work now:

It seems like this is still a problem. The Point is offline (wifi disconnected or battery removed) and this what is shown:

Well, what does the Point app say? I think that your Point needs to be offline for some time before the Cloud updates the state to not connected.

The app says “Last updated February 26”.

Is there a difference between “offline: true” and “Connectivity: Connected”? Shouldn’t they be in the same state?