Integration with Orbit B-Hyve Irrigation System

Anyone else notice the Bhyve integration times out and requires a restart of HA to rengage controllers?

Yes, that happens from time to time but far more seldom then 2 month ago. It is more due to the servers of bHyve then in the integration. I can live with it if it appears only every two month

Not sure who can answer this question; but would anyone know of any recent API changes for the Orbit B-Hyve? Or how to find this information out? I have mine integrated through Homebridge, but some recent funny business has started where my programs turn off when the plug-in is rebooted. The dev has told me there is nothing in the plug-in causing it and suggests that the API may have changed. I am trying here seen as Reddit or GitHub has not provided answers and the old Orbit online forums have been deleted.

Hi @Mitch7391 - i’m the dev behind the home-assistant integration. I’m not aware of any recent changes to the BHyve API.

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Hi @sebr, thanks for the reply. This is good info to know and further backing for me to think it is an issue with the homebridge plug-in; I’ll continue to pursue the issue there.

Hi all, sorry for the basic question but I really cannot solve. I installed the pack via HACS. Added the text in the configuration and secret file. Restarted/rebooted several times and cleared the cache also. Nothing is appearing in my integration list. Where am I wrong? thanks in advance

I’m having the same issue, no idea why it’s not showing up in the list.

Never mind, for anyone else, if you setup the configuration, the new entities turn up in the entities list without the need for an integration.

This just isn’t true. You absolutely need the integration. However, you do not have to set up the integration via the UI. Instead, it is configured via YAML. But you must install the integration (aka custom_component, in this case) via HACS or manually for this to work.

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Without integration - which component “talks” to the bHyve account instead?
As swiftlyfalling wrote correctly: The integration is a must.

I am used to using the ‘add integration’ control on the ‘intergrations’ page, but that isn’t how you get this working, as a new user this wasn’t obvious to me, so was trying to help other new people set this up.

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Found this integration today. Followed the info page and got it installed. After a re-start could not see any mention of it in the Integration section so went looking around and found new entities created.

My question is why is there no Device created for each of my controllers? Would make much simpler to manage all the entities ie. adding to LoveLace.

Hi, I have a switch for each zone which is the controller if you add only one controller per zone, a sensor for the running mode, battery and a switch for every programm.
What are you missing in addition?

The reason is because I haven’t had time to finish implementing this. It’s probably 80% complete… but as we all know the last 20% is most of the work :wink:

I’ll release a beta soon and would be great to get some testing.


Having a Device for each controller allows you to see all entities, automation’s, scripts etc as a group and manage them. Also makes it easy to add each entity to a dashboard.

Happy to help test.

Thank you very much for everyone who has contributed to the development of this integration.

I am not seeing the battery sensor details. I expect that I would see the battery sensor for this device: B-hyve Smart Hose Faucet Timer.

If anyone has ideas on where I can look to fix whatever I broke, it would be appreciated.

Thank you

I now see the battery sensor.

I have several questions but don’t even know where to begin :frowning:

I would like to automate the B-Hyve smart watering hose timer to go on when it is above 85F and my dog is outside. I know when dog is outdoors, I do not know how to create the automation to enable the bhyve switch.

I suspect that it is all me, but don’t know where to start.

alias: dogoutsideabove85
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    above: '85'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.wyzesense_kmotion2
    state: 'on'
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.sprinklers_zone
mode: single

something like this should point you in the right direction.

If you tell us how you know the dog is outside, and all the entities im sure we could help you more.

I am new to both HA and B Hyve my first B Hyve is coming tomorrow.

I have a question about this integration from the looks of it you need to have a b hyve account setup prior to installing however do you need to have the devices setup in b hyve or can they be added later? If they need to be added prior does this need to be setup again if more are added?

This was not clear on the documentation page.