I installed a Plejd DIM-02 this weekend and got it to work with the android app.
Now Im trying to use @icanos integration to get it to work with HA aswell. The installation seemd to work smothly but when I try to start I get ‘error: unable to retrieve session token response: Error: Request failed with status code 403’.
Peeking at the source I can see calls https://cloud.plejd.com and just to be sure - there isnt a need to have the GW to be able to use this integration, right?
With the asumption that I dont need the GW: I used the email and pwd I use to login to the app as username and password in the integration-config. Is the correct? As site I used ‘Hemma’ which is what i named the setup in the app.
Hi, i successfully got plejd into ha and found them but i still got a problem. I cant turn on the lights or switch them off for that matter. Any ideas to why this problem occurs.
Thanks for your reply!
I got it to work eventually - I believe it was a trailing space that messed things up.
However, as soon as I got the integration to work it made the plejd-device crash rendering it useless. First I thought it was a faulty device and got anotherone - hooked it up, made sure it was working manually (light-switch) and with the app. But as soon as I got it integrated into HA it stoped working - not only in HA but manually and using the app aswell!
After some calls to Plejd-support (kudos to them) we managed to reset the device(s) and they started to work again using the app and switch so they are not broken. Plejd-support didnt think the problem could be connected to my installation since everything was working correctly without HA.
With this I sort of lost the spirit and havent continued the efforts to get them integrated in HA yet.
I just got my DIM-01 home today to play with. Got the plugin up and running yesterday, and the dimmer was pict up almost perfectly - some error messages at first but now perfect connection every restart.
Have you added the right light setting? I use these settings:
Need some help here. I have an installation with Home Assistant Supervised on Debian on an Intel NUC. Is it possible to integrate Plejd with this setup, and if so, which route should I go?
What is currently the best and most responsive Plejd integration? Does any of them do realtime updates, or is it just pushing / polling seconds later so that its no point trying to use it for controlling lights as a remote?
Seems like the same issue on Android. The site.json is now just “”_inputAddresses":{"$type":“System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary2[[System.Int32, mscorlib],[System.Int32, mscorlib]], mscorlib]], mscorlib”
Used icanos addon for over a year without any issues. Yesterday I did a full system reboot (pi 4) for the first time in ages and now plejd devices can’t be controlled anymore as the addon can’t connect to the BT device :
2023-04-08 16:58:38 ERR [plejd-ble] Uh oh, no Plejd device!
2023-04-08 16:58:38 ERR [plejd-ble] Failed to start discovery. Operation already in progress
DBusError: Operation already in progress
at _methodReturnHandlers.<computed> (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:343:27)
at handleMessage (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:101:11)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:151:9)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:314:20)
at /plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/connection.js:116:14
at Socket.<anonymous> (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/message.js:63:9)
at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20)
at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:557:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:83:21)
2023-04-08 16:58:38 INF [plejd-ble] If you continue to get "operation already in progress" error, you can try power cycling the bluetooth adapter. Get root console access, run "bluetoothctl" => "power off" => "power on" => "exit" => restart addon.
2023-04-08 16:58:38 WRN [plejd-ble] Failed reconnecting. Failed to start discovery. Make sure no other add-on is currently scanning.
Error: Failed to start discovery. Make sure no other add-on is currently scanning.
at PlejBLEHandler._startGetPlejdDevice (/plejd/PlejdBLEHandler.js:436:13)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
2023-04-08 16:58:38 INF [device-comm] Bluetooth reconnecting...
2023-04-08 16:58:40 ERR [plejd-ble] Discovery timeout elapsed, no devices found. Starting reconnect loop...
2023-04-08 16:
Replying myself, did as stated in the log… Turned off and on the on board Pi4 bt device and after a while if manged to connect… Strange, never happened before.
Im having the same issues with error messages.
I recently changed from PI4 to a laptop with virtual box and bluetooth usb-adapter.
After i restored my backup I had some issues but I got everything up and running. Now after I rebooted the laptop 2 weeks in the plejd integration stopped working and I cant get it running again. I have changed nothing in the system, but just restarted the host.
Anyone has any idea of what the issue could be?
Any help is much appreciated
[07:56:34] INFO: Running add-on
Config: {
site: ‘Ruriksvag2’,
username: ‘—scrubbed—’,
password: ‘—scrubbed—’,
mqttBroker: ‘mqtt://’,
mqttUsername: ‘plejd’,
mqttPassword: ‘—scrubbed—’,
includeRoomsAsLights: false,
preferCachedApiResponse: false,
updatePlejdClock: false,
logLevel: ‘info’,
connectionTimeout: 2,
writeQueueWaitTime: 400
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-main] Log level set to info
Starting Plejd addon and reading configuration…
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-main] Log level set to info
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-main] Plejd add-on, version 0.9.1
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [device-comm] Starting Plejd communication handler.
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-ble] Starting Plejd BLE Handler, resetting all device states.
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-main] Main Plejd addon init()…
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-api] init()
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-api] Getting cached api response from disk
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-api] login()
2023-06-14 07:56:36 INF [plejd-api] logging into Ruriksvag2
2023-06-14 07:56:37 INF [plejd-api] got session token response
2023-06-14 07:56:37 INF [plejd-api] Get all Plejd sites for account…
2023-06-14 07:56:37 INF [plejd-api] Got site list response with 1: Ruriksvag2
2023-06-14 07:56:37 INF [plejd-api] Site found matching configuration name Ruriksvag2
2023-06-14 07:56:37 INF [plejd-api] Get site details for 6901f2ed-9466-4f42-b752-acbe605f7993…
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-api] got site details response
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-api] Site details for site id 6901f2ed-9466-4f42-b752-acbe605f7993 found
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-api] Saving cached copy
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-api] Getting devices from site details response…
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-api] No Plejd gateway found on site
2023-06-14 07:56:38 INF [plejd-mqtt] Initializing MQTT connection for Plejd addon
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-ble] init()
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Connected to MQTT.
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 18 Plejd output devices
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot (11 : DAA703BDE80C_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot (13 : C9CFD653ACDB_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered LED-10 (light) named Duschhylla (15 : F8E485A54581_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot vid glasparti (17 : E0E9082A9E11_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered CTR-01 (light) named Bel uteplats (19 : C0D6E03139E9_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered CTR-01 (light) named Entre (20 : CB3FBFA00AF2_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot entre (21 : C2EEAFC89855_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot (23 : F3EDCB061B90_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot korridor (24 : D3124D8D76FB_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takspot (26 : D34B169B7CA9_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered LED-10 (light) named Duschhylla (27 : D87A87534AE6_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Vardagsrum (34 : EF6E7FF09047_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Köksbord (35 : FC13DF04CE08_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takbelysning (37 : C9A32FC368F0_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takbelysning (39 : F8150ED58A66_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered CTR-01 (light) named Garagebelsyning (42 : F5E6267A8969_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Takbelsyning (44 : D1CACA4AC19B_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-01 (light) named Vårt sovrum (46 : FA18B519BC10_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 4 Plejd input devices
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered WPH-01 (device_automation) named Garage (41 : FC6B6BE790A8_I_0).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered WPH-01 (device_automation) named Garage (41 : FC6B6BE790A8_I_1).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered WPH-01 (device_automation) named Garage (41 : FC6B6BE790A8_I_2).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered WPH-01 (device_automation) named Garage (41 : FC6B6BE790A8_I_3).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 3 Plejd scene devices
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered Scene (scene) named Släck allt (2 : b12f850f-0774-4913-a451-ef07d53f52fa).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered Scene (scene) named Öppna+stäng garageport (4 : dddd77c2-2383-4413-bf71-1492a7284d4b).
2023-06-14 07:56:39 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered Scene (scene) named Tänd vardagsrum (5 : c16408be-32ce-4555-9820-4b462bcf8f6e).
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot (DAA703BDE80C_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot (C9CFD653ACDB_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Duschhylla (F8E485A54581_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot vid glasparti (E0E9082A9E11_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn off command for Bel uteplats (C0D6E03139E9_0)
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn off command for Entre (CB3FBFA00AF2_0)
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot entre (C2EEAFC89855_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot (F3EDCB061B90_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot korridor (D3124D8D76FB_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takspot (D34B169B7CA9_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Duschhylla (D87A87534AE6_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Vardagsrum (EF6E7FF09047_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Köksbord (FC13DF04CE08_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/6ef1adbc-857c-46a4-9b77-25904c655fc4/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/3e87b137-e88e-45ca-a5ea-1e7253731327/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/016288e7-02f2-4255-abf1-da0d5d206c6a/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/05cfbedb-2b2b-4da9-b463-cdbfe812a245/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takbelysning (C9A32FC368F0_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takbelysning (F8150ED58A66_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/eebaaccc-e9b6-4d4c-bd32-304848c60465/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/29df8f24-3621-4d8b-9269-a0731bff99c2/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn off command for Garagebelsyning (F5E6267A8969_0)
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/cdb75742-7930-4b06-abed-57ed9fb59f09/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Takbelsyning (D1CACA4AC19B_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/95d01a93-b636-4926-be6a-a9833e449995/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:40 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Vårt sovrum (FA18B519BC10_0), brightness undefined
2023-06-14 07:56:40 WRN [plejd-mqtt] Device for topic homeassistant/light/plejd/4a0795b1-c219-4aa0-9e6f-d5cc6cee9c69/set not found! Can happen if HA calls previously existing devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:44 INF [plejd-ble] BLE init done, waiting for devices.
2023-06-14 07:56:44 INF [plejd-main] Main init done
2023-06-14 07:56:44 INF [plejd-main] main() finished
2023-06-14 07:56:46 ERR [plejd-ble] Discovery timeout elapsed, no devices found. Starting reconnect loop…
2023-06-14 07:56:46 INF [plejd-ble] Starting reconnect loop…
2023-06-14 07:56:46 INF [device-comm] Bluetooth reconnecting…
at methodReturnHandlers. (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:343:27)
at handleMessage (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:101:11)
at EventEmitter. (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/bus.js:151:9)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:314:20)
at /plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/connection.js:116:14
at Socket. (/plejd/node_modules/dbus-next/lib/message.js:63:9)
at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20)
at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:557:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:83:21)
2023-06-14 07:50:16 INF [plejd-ble] If you continue to get “operation already in progress” error, you can try power cycling the bluetooth adapter. Get root console access, run “bluetoothctl” => “power off” => “power on” => “exit” => restart addon.
2023-06-14 07:50:16 WRN [plejd-ble] Failed reconnecting. Failed to start discovery. Make sure no other add-on is currently scanning.
Error: Failed to start discovery. Make sure no other add-on is currently scanning.
at PlejBLEHandler._startGetPlejdDevice (/plejd/PlejdBLEHandler.js:436:13)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
2023-06-14 07:50:16 INF [device-comm] Bluetooth reconnecting…
2023-06-14 07:50:18 ERR [plejd-ble] Discovery timeout elapsed, no devices found. Starting reconnect loop…
2023-06-14 07:50:18 INF [plejd-ble] Starting reconnect loop…
2023-06-14 07:50:21 INF [plejd-ble] Reconnecting BLE…
2023-06-14 07:50:21 INF [plejd-ble] init()
2023-06-14 07:50:27 ERR [plejd-ble] Failed to start discovery. Operation already in progress
DBusError: Operation already in progress
Did you sort it out?
Any way of restarting the BT service as I did? I assume it would also work in VirtualBox if you run USB passthrough or similar (don’t remember how it’s handled in Virtualbox).
ie “Get root console access, run “bluetoothctl” => “power off” => “power on” => “exit” => restart addon.”
Only happened once for me and it fixed it.
Hi. I have a similar issue. I have two dimmers i want to control. I set up everything according to the instructions. My dimmers show up with the correct name as devices under MQTT. But they both show as “unknown”. I dont see any obvious error in the log. Any tips?
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: executing...
Add-on: Plejd
Adds support for the Swedish home automation devices from Plejd.
Add-on version: 0.11.0
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
parse error: Expected string key before ':' at line 1, column 4
[15:57:33] ERROR: Unknown HTTP error occured
System: (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2023.11.1
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.10.1
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: executing...
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[15:57:33] INFO: Starting the Plejd service...
[15:57:33] INFO: Verified permissions on startup script
[15:57:33] INFO: Executing startup script
[15:57:33] INFO: Running add-on
Config: {
site: 'Kalhammar Plejd',
username: '---scrubbed---',
password: '---scrubbed---',
mqttBroker: 'mqtt://',
mqttUsername: 'mqtt-api-user',
mqttPassword: '---scrubbed---',
includeRoomsAsLights: false,
preferCachedApiResponse: false,
updatePlejdClock: false,
logLevel: 'debug',
connectionTimeout: 2,
writeQueueWaitTime: 800
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-main] Log level set to debug
Starting Plejd addon and reading configuration...
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-main] Log level set to debug
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-main] Plejd add-on, version 0.11.0
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [device-comm] Starting Plejd communication handler.
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-ble] Starting Plejd BLE Handler, resetting all device states.
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-main] Main Plejd addon init()...
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] init()
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] Getting cached api response from disk
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-api] Prefer cache? false
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-api] Cache exists? Yes, created 2023-11-07T14:56:03.339Z
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] login()
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] logging into Kalhammar Plejd
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-api] sending POST to https://cloud.plejd.com/parse/login
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] got session token response
2023-11-07 15:57:33 INF [plejd-api] Get all Plejd sites for account...
2023-11-07 15:57:33 DBG [plejd-api] sending POST to https://cloud.plejd.com/parse/functions/getSiteList
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Got site list response with 1: Kalhammar Plejd
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Site found matching configuration name Kalhammar Plejd
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Get site details for 0b19acb7-88fd-432d-bee9-3d0fc7807085...
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [plejd-api] sending POST to https://cloud.plejd.com/parse/functions/getSiteById
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] got site details response
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Site details for site id 0b19acb7-88fd-432d-bee9-3d0fc7807085 found
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Saving cached copy
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] Getting devices from site details response...
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-api] No Plejd gateway found on site
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Initializing MQTT connection for Plejd addon
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-ble] init()
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [plejd-ble] Found BLE interface 'org.bluez.Adapter1' at /org/bluez/hci1
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Connected to MQTT.
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 2 Plejd output devices
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for Lamp staircase
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-02 (light) named Lamp staircase (11 : F08BB11D6047_0).
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for Downlights
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered DIM-02 (light) named Downlights (12 : F08BB11D6047_1).
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 1 Plejd input devices
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for Hallway
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Discovered WRT-01 (device_automation) named Hallway (13 : DFD7BCBA4B11_I_0).
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [plejd-mqtt] Sending discovery for 0 Plejd scene devices
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Lamp staircase (F08BB11D6047_0), brightness 184
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [device-comm] Queueing F08BB11D6047_0 set brightness to 184
2023-11-07 15:57:34 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Downlights (F08BB11D6047_1), brightness 201
2023-11-07 15:57:34 DBG [device-comm] Queueing F08BB11D6047_1 set brightness to 201
2023-11-07 15:57:39 INF [plejd-ble] BLE init done, waiting for devices.
2023-11-07 15:57:39 INF [plejd-main] Main init done
2023-11-07 15:57:39 INF [plejd-main] main() finished
2023-11-07 15:57:39 DBG [plejd-ble] Found Plejd service on /org/bluez/hci1/dev_F0_8B_B1_1D_60_47
2023-11-07 15:57:39 DBG [plejd-ble] initDiscoveredPlejdDevice(). Got /org/bluez/hci1/dev_F0_8B_B1_1D_60_47 device
2023-11-07 15:57:39 DBG [plejd-ble] Inspecting /org/bluez/hci1/dev_F0_8B_B1_1D_60_47
2023-11-07 15:57:39 DBG [plejd-ble] Discovered /org/bluez/hci1/dev_F0_8B_B1_1D_60_47 with rssi -83 dBm, name undefined
2023-11-07 15:57:41 INF [plejd-ble] Device discovery done, found 1 Plejd devices
2023-11-07 15:57:41 INF [plejd-ble] Connecting to /org/bluez/hci1/dev_F0_8B_B1_1D_60_47
Stupid question here. But I have just installed Home Assistatn, and when I click on the “+ add integration” from the dashboard, I dont get any hits when I search for Plejd. Do i need to download something on like an USB and then install it directly through my Raspberry Pi 4?
Also, the plejd dimmers are a bit far away from my RPI 4. Do I need like BT extenders to get a good connection? What is recommended if so? (I know that for Zigbee they often use lightbulbs to do the heavy lifting of repeating the signal).