Integrations stop working

Sometimes some integrations stop working after a while (a day or three).
This started happening around 0.117 (I think).
The integrations I’ve had problems with are IKEA Trådfri and IRobot Roomba.
When I try to open/close my IKEA fyrtur blinds, nothing happens. But when I reload the integration it’s fine again. The same happens with my Roomba.
What could be wrong? The blinds are connected via an Ikea hub. The Roomba is (of course) via WiFi.
I’m on version 0.118.3.


Ideas? Anyone?

Hi Helgemor,
Im having the same issue with my IRobot integration. It stopped responding. If I edit the options on the integration and toggle the “Continuous” checkbox it will work for a couple of minutes then stop responding again.
Ive tried deleting and adding the roomba integration but still have the same issue.

Im running Home Assistant 0.118.5 .

Found this

My Roomba integrations seems ok now (version 2021.2.3), but IKEA has to be reloaded once every few days, or my Fyrtur blinds stop responding. They come back to life once I reload the IKEA integration, so there must be something strange going on in there.