Integrations Watch Dog

Since the request for reloading integration was done. (Add service integration.reload - #52 by Mariusthvdb). Many thanks to all people working on HASS for the amazing work.

the next step is to add a watch dog for integrations, instead of manually building automations to reload various integrations if they fail.

In Ideal world, in the system options of the integration there would be a switch ‘watch dog’ just like the addons. and would be greyed if the integration do not support reload !

Whenever an entity become unavailable say for 30 second (can be configured in the system options) … the system tries automatically to reload the integration and give the results in persistent notification. and keep retrying for x times before giving up.

sure this can be done with automations, but having it in the system increases the reliability of the system for everyone and it establishes a standard for integrations to follow; i.e. the alexa media player set the alarm to unavailable when it is should be “not set” and the unavailable state should be reserved for problematic or unloaded entities.