I am having some issues with energy monitoring/display within HomeAssistant…
my HA config.yaml ( extract is as follows )
- platform: emoncms
api_key: !secret emoncms_api_key
scan_interval: 30
id: 1
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
- 21
- 22
- 48
- 53
21: "Primary Supp"
22: "Salon Supp"
48: "House Supp"
53: "Car Charge"
Now the House supply and Car supply Kwh usage both work fine and make for interesting reading…
But the Primary and Salon Kwh supplies I cannot get to work.
when I try to select the sensor entities for house and salon,… they are not present,…
I have a sensor entry for salon, as follows:-
but when I try to select it, I get the following error
Entity not defined
Check the integration or your configuration that provides:
* sensor.emoncms_salon_supply_kwh
* sensor.emoncms_primary_supply_kwh
Now, for information,… when I first installed the HA addon for emoncms,… I added ALL sensors,… I soon realised this was ‘overkill’ in what useful data was being shared so I pruned the list down to only those I required. Also there are many more sensors than the four I have actually listed being displayed within the HA energy setup form…
But even with the trimmed list,… I cannot select two of the energy sources I was hoping to track and display within HA.
Does anyone have any understanding of what my error maybe,… I have checked my feed ID’s and they are correct,… and display within Emoncms without any issues… its just it does not seem to get to HA,…
As Additional information,…
For added information,… these are some of the ‘additional sensors’ I am seeing, which do not work,… that I would like to remove,…
If I view ‘sensors’ from the HA settings menu…
I only get the following list
But if I go to add a consumption entry,… my list is as follows… ( not all enreies shown)
Is it possible to clear all emoncms entries and start again,… or is that a wipe dBase and start again job??
Many Tx to all