Intel NUC won't get IP and install/setup

Hi All,

Need some help here. I have an Intel NUC10i3 that I am trying to install HassOS on. It has been an uphill battle so far. I am finally at a point where HassOS appears to load but then seems to stall out (image below). I notice that if I am messing around in the BIOS or somewhere prior to HassOS trying to boot, my router’s DHCP table picks up the NUC. However, once I let HassOS do its thing, the device disappears. SO, my current thought is that something in HA’s boot is causing an error with the ethernet device.

I have been on a Pi for about 7 months now and am trying to transition to this NUC but am at a loss here. Also, my image below seems to be similar to this issue: RPI Hassio will not start up after boot (after Welcome prompt)

A bit more context on the above image: That block of text seems to repeat itself when it first attempts to load and whenever I exit the console. Also, the console is useless… all commands error out.

Hope someone can help me put an end to this madness :slight_smile:

Not every NUC will work flawlessly with Home Assistant OS. As noted in the other post I replied to you with, install a base OS such as Ubuntu or Debain and install Home Assistant Supervised.

To put it in really simple terms as you are “not sure on the nomenclature”, Home Assistant OS (what you are trying to run) is a basic OS that will just run Home Assistant Supervised (a bunch of docker containers). You can get the same result, by using an OS that will support all of the components of your NUC (like Ubuntu or Debian), and then install the identical version of Home Assistant Supervised that Home Assistant OS would install.

Trust me when I say, you will be up and running in under 1 hour if you can copy and paste some commands. You seem to have been at this now for a number of days and wasted countless hours on it, so might be worth a try.

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Much appreciated, I’ve come a long way since my other post… Thankfully. While I appreciate your trying to push me in a direction you think might be easier I’ve become accustomed to this direction over the past 7 months and would like to maintain that… After all, the community creates this install method for a reason.

That said, it looks like trying to solve this current issue will also solve quite a few others’ issue as well (RE: link to other issue).

Home Assistant and all the add-ons you ran/run will work exactly the same as they did previously, exactly.

The only real difference you will experience is you would need to log into machine once a month and run 1 line of commands to keep the OS up to date. That is literally all that would be different for you.

Being that the NUC you are using is a very new model, it may have components/drivers needed that are not yet supported in Home Assistant OS, and may not be for some time, so you might be facing a long period of time before your machine will work with Home Assistant OS. I could be completely wrong.

I faced a similar issue to you some time ago when using a NUC myself. After wasting hours and hours trying to get it to work, I installed Ubuntu and never looked back. It’s a very easy process.

I’m gonna give it just one more day and then I’ll concede, haha. If and when that time comes, will there be any issue loading my current snapshot into your suggested solution (zwave, node-red, etc…)?

Finally, when you find a moment can you please DM whichever suggested setup/tutorial you may have. Thanks!

You could face some Z-Wave issues on a new machine, some people face those issues, some don’t.

I fully agree with Jason on this. Look at it from another angle, a Pi is a board with predefined hardware and there are only a couple of versions. A nuc on the other hand is more a PC then a board and with the hundreds of different hardware configurations possible it is way harder to support for.

I started with this on my nuc a couple of weeks ago and was up and running in about a hour. Absolute Beginners guide to installing HA on Intel NUC using Docker
The only thing I had to figure out is my conbee2 which doesn’t like to be on usb3 so that was solved with an extension cable placing between the nuc and the conbee2. The rest (aeotec z-wave stick and network) worked out of the box with factory settings in the bios.

Don’t struggle installing hassOS, just install any linux distro you like, install docker and then go here for installing hassio with home assistant.
This is all you need.

p.s. in your case, with such HW, you could even use Win as host, enable hyper-v and then use a VM with your linux distro + hassio and home assistant, leaving space for anything else you’ll need ( for example use the other resources as a normal pc ).