December 8, 2022, 6:52pm
where is the code stored in HA if I want to change it? Or how can I get the update?
December 8, 2022, 9:26pm
Submitted a patch
← jeeftor:intellifire_challenge_patch
opened 09:24PM - 08 Dec 22 UTC
## Proposed change
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additional information section.
Version bump of backing library - to increase timeout on challenge request.
Here is the change:
Addressing this comment:
<img width="778" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6491743/206569639-686667f2-6e71-4008-b764-24f707476d12.png">
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## Additional information
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- Link to documentation pull request:
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[dev-checklist]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/development_checklist.html
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[docs-repository]: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
@GarrettKranz - that’s cool that you work for HHT → any chance of getting HHT to join: Introducing the Works with Home Assistant program - Home Assistant - the downside is perhaps ya’ll would have to either help maintain the lib or take it over directly … but still … it would be a nice marketing move to get a works with home assistant for the very small nerd community
1 Like
Definitely something I’d consider looking at. Thanks for bringing that up!
December 8, 2022, 11:31pm
Pr was accepted - so next point release should have the 6 second update
December 9, 2022, 12:18am
Hopefully this will correct the local access hangs or at least reduce when it happens. When it working it’s great. Hope HHT will get involved in the project, jeeflor has done a fantastic job creating and getting it to this point, but would be nice to get HHT to help fine tune it.
December 9, 2022, 12:59pm
Just installed 2022.12.1 which has the timeout change in it.
December 9, 2022, 2:04pm
It seems like the color of my error sensors has changed with the latest release:
December Release
(Aaron Esterling)
January 2, 2023, 10:10pm
Does this indicate the HTT server is currently offline? I can’t login to the Intellifire app, iftapi.net , etc.
January 2, 2023, 11:50pm
My Intellifire app currently shows Error your appliance is currently offline. But local control via HA is working right now.
January 5, 2023, 4:29am
Is anybody still using the official Alexa integration?
I currently am - because - i donno i never turned it off - also it does “cloud control”. Sometimes I get the following:
“Alexa turn on the fireplace”
“Fireplace is not responding … BEEP” and it turns on.
If that doesn’t work I’ll say “Alexa Flame On” and it calls my HA automation…
Eventually I’ll dump alexa but i like to compare the two of them at least.
(Tom Lynch)
January 5, 2023, 8:06pm
I was using it but disabled it because of the “not responding” messages. I now use Alexa through HA and it works great.
(Will Nelson)
January 6, 2023, 5:52pm
Tangential - how many of you have gone through the process of replacing the ECM or the wifi module? Mine really won’t stay up more than a day or two, sometimes only hours…
(Aaron Esterling)
January 6, 2023, 5:54pm
Wifi module, yes. The replacement one has been much more reliable than the original, but still has occasional issues.
1 Like
January 9, 2023, 10:30pm
So my intellifire module is a TURD and just isnt working lately - but aside from that the lights just got accepted to core…
1 Like
January 9, 2023, 10:30pm
I’m in the same situation as of the last week or so
January 9, 2023, 10:52pm
Mine has been working ok, a hang up once in a while. They sent me an updated ECM module back in October that was suppose to reduce or eliminate the hangs. I think it has made a difference and reduced the times it hangs up.
1 Like
(Will Nelson)
January 9, 2023, 11:26pm
Well i should probably try to get an updated ECM or WFM. In the meantime, my plan is to open the thing up to access the wall plug and put a zwave plug in there. Maybe some automation that power cycles if your integration reports the module is offline for an hour or more…
1 Like
Sorry to hear that. Are you showing any error code being reported while it is not working?
(Will Nelson)
January 12, 2023, 6:50am
For me, almost always 3269….
January 12, 2023, 1:27pm
Its continually an ECM Offline error…
"name": "",
"serial": "9CE2E834CE109D849CBB15CDDBAFF381",
"temperature": 18,
"battery": 0,
"pilot": 1,
"light": 0,
"height": 4,
"fanspeed": 0,
"hot": 0,
"power": 0,
"thermostat": 0,
"setpoint": 0,
"timer": 0,
"timeremaining": 0,
"prepurge": 0,
"feature_light": 0,
"feature_thermostat": 1,
"power_vent": 0,
"feature_fan": 1,
"errors": [
"fw_version": "0x00030200",
"fw_ver_str": "0.3.2+hw2",
"downtime": 0,
"uptime": 382,
"connection_quality": 957745,
"ecm_latency": 42,
"ipv4_address": ""
Like a LOT of errors
1 Like