Intend_script template error

Hi guys!

I have this intent

      type: plain
      text: 'Okay, ich fahre den Rollladen {{ whichCover }} {{ actionType }}.'
      - service_template: {% if actionType == "runter" %}cover.close_cover{% elif actionType == "hoch" %}cover.open_cover{% endif %}
          entity_id: cover.{% if whichCover == "Ankleidezimmer" %}oeq1850763{% elif whichCover == "Schlafzimmer" %}peq0005525{% endif %}

but instead of cover.close_cover it prints out cover.close/cover

Whats my mistake?

  1. Thats not your problem. Your problem is that you don’t have your templates in quotes. Single line templates need quotes. Double line templates don’t. This should fix your real issue:
      type: plain
      text: 'Okay, ich fahre den Rollladen {{ whichCover }} {{ actionType }}.'
      - service_template: "{% if actionType == 'runter' %}cover.close_cover{% elif actionType == 'hoch' %}cover.open_cover{% endif %}"
          entity_id: "cover.{% if whichCover == 'Ankleidezimmer' %}oeq1850763{% elif whichCover == 'Schlafzimmer' %}peq0005525{% endif %}"
  1. You’re using if and else if only. You don’t really have a fallback plan for something other than ‘runter’, ‘hoch’, ‘Ankleidezimmer’, and ‘Schlafzimmer’.

  2. You have a mishmash of capitals and lowercase. It would be safest to place all words in a single case.

With that being said, i’d recommend this:

      type: plain
      text: 'Okay, ich fahre den Rollladen {{ whichCover }} {{ actionType }}.'
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ actionType | lower in ['runter','hoch'] and whichCover | lower in ['ankleidezimmer','schlafzimmer'] }}"
      - service_template: "{% if actionType | lower == 'runter' %}cover.close_cover{% elif actionType | lower == 'hoch' %}cover.open_cover{% endif %}"
          entity_id: "cover.{% if whichCover | lower == 'ankleidezimmer' %}oeq1850763{% elif whichCover | lower == 'schlafzimmer' %}peq0005525{% endif %}"
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Thank you !

This works really well. Thank you. I have two more questions.

Where can i find documentation for this?

I have one more: Ankunftsort is my variable

      type: plain
      text: Du fährst aktuell {{ states('sensor.{{ Ankunftsort }}') | round(0) } nach {{ states.sensor.{{ Ankunftsort }}.attributes.friendly_name }}. Am schnellsten bist du über  {{ states.sensor.{{ Ankunftsort }}.attributes.route }}

You can’t encapsolate templates in templates. I.E {{}} or {%%} cannot be inside {{}} or {%%}.

      type: plain
      text: >
        {% set entity_id = 'sensor.'+Ankunftsort | lower %}
        {% set duration = states(entity_id) | float | round(0) %}
        {% set friendly_name = state_attr(entity_id, 'friendly_name') %}
        {% set route = state_attr(entity_id, 'route') %}
        Du fährst aktuell {{ duration }} nach {{ friendly_name }}. Am schnellsten bist du über  {{ route }}
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You are just awesome. Thank you!!!

      - service: script.sonos_say
          sonos_entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
          volume: 0.25
          delay: '00:00:09'
          message: >
            {% set TankstellemitSorte = 'sensor.'+Tankstelle+'_'+Benzinsorte | lower %}
            {{ Benzinsorte }} kostet aktuell {{ TankstellemitSorte }}.

sensor name: sensor.bft_e5
value: 1.419 (for example)

sonos is telling me the name of the variable “sensor.bft_e5”

You aren’t getting the state

      - service: script.sonos_say
          sonos_entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
          volume: 0.25
          delay: '00:00:09'
          message: >
            {% set TankstellemitSorte = 'sensor.'+Tankstelle+'_'+Benzinsorte | lower %}
            {{ Benzinsorte }} kostet aktuell {{ states(TankstellemitSorte) }}.
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Hi. Thank you @petro. You really helped me a lot.

Right now i am struggeling here.

I made a scrape sensor which is getting the weather. the sensor is working fine

      - service: script.sonos_say
          sonos_entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
          volume: 0.25
          message: >
            {% set createsensor = 'sensor.berlin_'+whichSensor+'_'+wannWetter | lower %}
            {% set wettersensor = states(createsensor) %}
            {{ wettersensor }}.
          delay: '00:00:10' 

In the frontend template tester i get the right text by entering:

{{ states.sensor.berlin_wetter_heute.state }}

In Berlin gibt es tagsüber einen wolkenlosen Himmel und die Temperaturen liegen zwischen -1 und 1°C. In der Nacht überwiegt dichte Bewölkung, aber es bleibt trocken und die Temperatur sinkt auf -2°C.

But even if i type in {{ states.sensor.berlin_wetter_heute.state }} my speaker will say ‘unknown’

I also have a second question:
The text is sometimes longer than the maximum length of 255 letters. Is there a workaround?

You’ll have to see why it says unknown. SOmething appears to be wrong with your scrape sensor.

You’d have to move to a platform that can handle it. A python script for example.