Interacting with timer entities

I created a helper timer entity.

On the timer card, I can control the timer by setting something to “Start, Pause, Cancel, or Finish”. What is being set by the card?

I would like to display the duration attribute and be able to change it from the dashboard. Is that possible?

Also on the helper card there is an option “Restore”. How do I learn what that refers to?

Where should I be looking to find this info?


information about what start,pause,cancel,finish, and restore means can be found here:

the timer card for the dashboard is pretty limited in my opinion. and i don’t see a great custom one in hacs either. but maybe look at this:

i think if you’re going to want to set your own duration, you might need to do a little bit of extra work… create a separate helper (either number or time) and when that’s changed, have an automation to pull that number for the duration.

Thank you for the information. Its exactly what I was searching for. The documentation is hard to find. Now that I have this page, I can find it by searching in Integrations, but not by searching in the Documentation page. There must be a key or map somewhere. Thanks again.

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