January 22, 2023, 3:05pm
Hi all,
is there a way to avoid an infinite loop for sensors’ template which are interdependant? Like define a temporary variable or some workaround, not a big issue if the results are not 100% accurate.
My understanding is sensors are not calculated based on the position in the yaml file, so it’s a declarative language, so it happens I have A and B sensors I want to calibrate.
I would normally do:
ValueA = A + 0.5 * ValueB
ValueB = B - 0.1 * ValueA
I am OK if ValueA is not recalculated using new ValueB value, but my guess is an infinite loop happens.
Here is my code:
- platform: statistics
name: "Average 1h H2S"
entity_id: sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_h2s
state_characteristic: mean
minutes: 60
sampling_size: 60
- platform: statistics
name: "Average 1h NO2"
entity_id: sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2
state_characteristic: mean
minutes: 60
sampling_size: 60
- platform: statistics
name: "Average 1h O3"
entity_id: sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3
state_characteristic: mean
minutes: 60
sampling_size: 60
- sensor:
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated NO2"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{ 0.7 * states('sensor.airq_no2') | float - 0.15 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3') | float - 0.85 * states('sensor.airq_temperature') | float + 0.05 * states('sensor.airq_humidity') | float }}"
- sensor:
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated H2S"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{ states('sensor.airq_h2s') | float - 0.04 * (20 - states('sensor.airq_temperature') | float) + 0.18 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3') | float + 0.2 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2') | float }}"
- sensor:
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated O3"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{states('sensor.airq_ozone') | float / 1.8 - 0.5 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2') | float + 0.5 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_h2s') | float }}"
January 22, 2023, 3:45pm
You could use triggered template sensors that only updates on the change of one of the sensors, or a fixed time interval (time pattern trigger).
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January 22, 2023, 4:19pm
Thanks for your reply, I like the idea!
Let me try it
January 22, 2023, 4:48pm
hmmm I got errors from “unknown” value
My conf
- trigger:
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "/1"
seconds: "1"
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated NO2"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{ 0.7 * states('sensor.airq_no2') | float - 0.15 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3') | float - 0.85 * states('sensor.airq_temperature') | float + 0.05 * states('sensor.airq_humidity') | float }}"
- trigger:
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "/1"
seconds: "5"
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated H2S"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{ states('sensor.airq_h2s') | float - 0.04 * (20 - states('sensor.airq_temperature') | float) + 0.18 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3') | float + 0.2 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2') | float }}"
- trigger:
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "/1"
seconds: "10"
- name: "AirQ Compensated Calibrated O3"
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
state: "{{states('sensor.airq_ozone') | float / 1.8 - 0.5 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2') | float + 0.5 * states('sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_h2s') | float }}"
Logger: homeassistant.components.template.sensor
Source: components/template/
Integration: Template (documentation , issues )
First occurred: 17:43:01 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:43:10
Error rendering state template for sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘unknown’ when rendering template ‘{{ 0.7 * states(‘sensor.airq_no2’) | float - 0.15 * states(‘sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3’) | float - 0.85 * states(‘sensor.airq_temperature’) | float + 0.05 * states(‘sensor.airq_humidity’) | float }}’ but no default was specified
Error rendering state template for sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_h2s: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘unknown’ when rendering template ‘{{ states(‘sensor.airq_h2s’) | float - 0.04 * (20 - states(‘sensor.airq_temperature’) | float) + 0.18 * states(‘sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3’) | float + 0.2 * states(‘sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2’) | float }}’ but no default was specified
Error rendering state template for sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_o3: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘unavailable’ when rendering template ‘{{states(‘sensor.airq_ozone’) | float / 1.8 - 0.5 * states(‘sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_no2’) | float + 0.5 * states(‘sensor.airq_compensated_calibrated_h2s’) | float }}’ but no default was specified
I could find how to specify a default, just for the first value, but I fear those sensors/variable/whatever have a different scope?
January 22, 2023, 5:02pm
|float(default value here)
January 22, 2023, 5:04pm
yup, thanks, I found it and already tried, works like a charm
Thanks a lot!
January 22, 2023, 5:07pm
The first sensor employs the value of the third sensor. However, you just configured these three sensors so none have values yet and are all unknown
While attempting to get the third sensor’s value, thefloat
filter failed to convert unknown
to a number. You didn’t supply the float
filter with a default value, so the template failed with an error (i.e. the error you posted above).
If you provide a default, it will prevent the error message but the initial calculation will produce a result based on the default value (and not the third sensor’s actual value because it hasn’t triggered yet). After all three sensors have triggered at least once, then the computed results should be accurate.
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