Interest in a NZXT Hue+ Component?

I’m developing a component for controlling NZXT Hue+ RGB lighting. I’m checking in to see if there is any interest in this, or specific feature requests / use cases I can work on? I’m basically going to just create a wrapper around the following library

The component will allow for remote on / off, color selection, and pretty much anything else the Python library linked above supports. It will require installing OpenSSH server on Windows 10, and the above python package for remote control on the remote client machine. If anyone has any ideas about how to simplify this, that would be great!


I’m interested, if you still want to do this :slight_smile:

Yeah can you make this

I no longer have access to the hardware, so this is not something i’ll be doing.

I put together a simple GIT expanding on the work by SAM CROSS.

This allows me to simply change the LED colours via home assistant i.e. turn green, red, white etc via an automation or the dashboard. I have mine to change when my webcam is active.