Interesting high CPU load


I ran into an interesting situation.

A friend of mine has problems with the Home Assistant on his Pi3. Something went really wrong the last couple of day and I suspected HW issues. So he brought his Pi3 with the SD Card to me and I just plugged it in to see how it behaves.

My network is setup for 192.168.1.x and I have 2 instances running:

  • one NUC for the main instance

  • one VM in Virtual Box with HassOS to play with anything HA related and the latest updates.

His installation was setup for a fixed IP:
I had attached a Keyboard and Display to the Pi3 and had a look around the error logs when suddenly I got a notification that the NUC is overloading.

This is a image with the top on both machines.

I took a look on the Load graph and it went up around the time I plugged in the Pi.
Then I had a look on my router on the connections lists but I did not see any traffic.

Hmm… this cannot be a coincidence. So I unplugged the network cable on the PI and immediately both machines went to normal. I plugged in the cable and I had the confirmation that it was the PI causing this behavior.

How can this be explained?

Thank you.

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