Interesting touch switch lanbon l8

Hey @fvanroie this page mentions an AU version of this switch, but I can only find US or EU. There are however US versions with 220v (they separately sell the US as 110v or 220v). Is the AU version just the US shape with 220v?

Also I can’t seem to find on Aliexpress the L8-HD (dimmer) Model Number: L8-HT (thermostat switch) L8-HB (boiler switch). Any clues ?

There is no AU version.

Boiler switch -
Dimmer switch -

1 Like

Thank you sir!!

I’m pretty sure there were AU models on alibaba that, indeed, seemed like the US version with 240V.

Thanks. That PCB is identical to the switch/relay version. The difference is in the PSU base, that has a pin-header connection to the panel. What we’re trying to find out is which pins do control the dimming process.

I don’t think it’s an analog pwm signal, but rather a digital serial command.

There are indeed specific 110v and 220v versions

I need some help. I try to flash Lanbon l8 using openHASP (v0.3.4).

1.I want to link the button from Lanbon Screen to Lanbon Relay (without integrate HomeAssistant).
2.I want to change page with out HA
Is it possible? Could you help me.

Thank you

Ok. Hope these help

To connect the relay directly you need to add this to the obj
,“groupid”:“1”, - this for relay 1 etc. look here common propeties

for example :

{"page":1,"id":2,"obj":"btn","groupid":"1","x":10,"y":50,"w":220,"h":45,"toggle":true,"text":"Living \uf0a6","text_font":26,"mode":"break","align":1}

for 2 not sure i understand.
you can upload the jsonl directly and you’ll use the screen. look here hasp settings.

@fvanroie @dgomes
I’ve got the object connected to the relay. I’m not successful in creating a light/switch entity in HA.
Tried this

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Living1"
  command_topic: "hasp/plate01/command/p1b2.val"
  state_topic: "hasp/plate01/state/p1b4"
  optimistic: false
  qos: 1
  payload_on: "1"
  payload_off: "0"
  retain: false
  state_value_template: "{{value.split('val')[1][2]}}"

the json is as below and tried with this value_template
“event”: “off”,
“val”: 0

this device is set up as such:

{"page":1,"id":2,"obj":"btn","groupid":"1","x":10,"y":50,"w":220,"h":45,"toggle":true,"text":"Living \uf0a6","text_font":26,"mode":"break","align":1}


    - obj: "p1b2"
        "val": "{{ 1 if states('') == 'on' else 0 }}"
          service: light.turn_on
            entity_id: ""
          service: light.turn_off
            entity_id: ""

Appreciate any guidance. Thank you

If you are using the custom component, you must not create a concurrent HA MQTT entity.

The custom component will handle all syncronization between the HASP button and the

Reading your post again, I now understand you are trying to control a light that is controlled by the Lanbon relay.

We will be supporting this soon in the custom component, but currently it is not :frowning:

thank you for your prompt replay. I am using the custom component and thank you very much for producing it. It makes using this device in HA much easier.

using the sample mqtt light i posted above, i can create a “3rd” switch in the gui, which can turn the physical light on and off. I’m just struggling with the state.

The template doesnt seem to do it correctly.

That mqtt switch is targeting the UI button of the Lanbon instead of the relay…

in order to control the relay through MQTT in the current firmware you need to issue the output command:

this is not the best interface, and @fvanroie and me are already working in a better interface for the next firmware version which will also create automatically an HA switch, hand in there :slight_smile:

Thank you again. I did read that and probably dont understand it correctly.

Im trying this

payload on

but no reaction

edit: scratch that
with payload 1 or 0 it works.

and the state would be


I got it to control relay through UI button but I can’t import UI button to HA entities.
I try to use below

topic: “hasp/plate_220274”
path: “/config/openhasp/pages_my_room.jsonl”
idle_brightness: 8
prev_obj: “p0b1”
home_obj: “p0b2”
next_obj: “p0b3”
- obj: “p0b4”
“text”: “{{ states(‘sensor.my_room_temperature’) }}°C”
- obj: “p1b2”
“val”: “{{ 1 if states(‘light.my_room’) == ‘on’ else 0 }}”
service: light.turn_on
entity_id: “light.my_room”
service: light.turn_off
entity_id: “light.my_room”
- obj: “p2b2”
service: persistent_notification.create
message: I like {{ text }}

Your issue is the same as @juan11perez, follow his steps

Did anyone else notice the I2C signal designations on the orange ribbon cable?

I can’t find a way to get the relay state. I think there isn’t a topic for it.

hasp/plate01/state/output1 doesn’t exist

I can turn it on and off, but no way to check state.

@fvanroie Any suggestions?

Thank you

Thanks for those pictures! We’ve since found out that the 4-byte serial communication seems to be going over K3 – IO12 (115200 baud, 8data, 1stop, no parity).


and the state would be

state is not currently implemented, we’re reworking that part of the code to make it more intuitive… While output is now heavily based on the groupid, it was mentioned that this is rather complicated and not intuitive to use. So back to the drawing board :slight_smile: