Interface Home battery Blauhoff or Ecactus via esphome and modbus

Dear community,
I am testing a home battery which has a rs485 / modbus connection. Atm i am able to read values like soc, pv power etc via a esp32 and rs485 converter. But i am not able to create any kind of switch to change settings. Could someone help me please?

update: i am able to take local control of the BMS, read values and push settings. I hope it helps someone
Tested on Blauhoff all in one home battery probably ecactus all in one and copia work as well (not tested)

Glad you found something to interface between the two. You should plan a trip to Las Vegas and see if your luck stays with you. This may or may not be the case for you but, its surprisingly common to see people go drop 100’s of dollars or more for some device and only after they have it in hand do they do any due diligence on integrating the thing with HA or esphome. Its nice to have the capabilites but, most modern BMS wiill manage the batteries automatically based on those initial settings so, I suspect that once you do the initial setup you probably wont find much of a need to actively change settings in HA.

Thanks for your reply, i think i skip vegas :grinning:
You are right that this should be standard. However, I live in the Netherlands where dynamic energy rates are available (price per hour). The app provided with the home battery cannot now handle that. But it is possible in HA. In addition, local control is now an option. And not unimportantly, it was an educational project.

Aahh, yes you have a point there. I actually keep forgetting there is a large swath of people who are punished with higher energy prices depending on the time of day they need it. That isnt really a thing here in the USA to my knowledge. Unfortunately the wise leadership here in the Home of the Brave and Land of Bad ideas. Theyd just rather not burden us with the choice, so they’re trying to make the case for a " smart grid" where the government or Utility companies can send “kill signals” to individual homes or regionally and shut off peoples heating/A/C, water heaters, or any devices that they wany to be able to controm.

Almost 100 years ago we split the atom and harnessed the power of the sun. Over 50 years ago we sent men to the moon and brought them back safely. In 2023 we are in a race to having the most expensive energy insecure economies by phasing out 50% cleaner base load power plants for intermittent and more expensive sources of energy. Whats brilliant about it and on the level of splitting the atom is how thoroughly they’ve exploited the natural fear of death each of us has.

Dear Driesk,
Just followed your procedure on an ecactus all-in-one, works like a charm. A big thank you !!!

As I got 2 PV array connected to the all-in-one, I made a little modification on the yml config file of the esp32 by try and error.
How did you get the addresses of the BMS values? I would like to try to add other infos for fun :wink: