Internal/External server profile for same server in mobile app


In the HA mobile app (iOS) 2 servers are configured:

  1. DJ_internal: with only the “internal URL” configured
  2. DJ_external: with only the “external URL” configured

Reason: don’t want any location services to be activated and have the HA app always connect to my local network. To connect to HA when outside the house I want to connect to the ‘_external’ server.

Tested: created 2 servers in the HA app.

  • HAint, only an internal URL pointing to
  • HAext, only an external URL pointing to the HA cloud
    Next: created 2 iOS shortcuts:
  • homeassistant://navigate/lovelace/dashboard/?server=HAint
  • homeassistant://navigate/lovelace/dashboard/?server=HAext
    It seems impossible to see if the actual server was used when calling

After removing all servers except the one that only has an internal URL pointing to, the phone still connects to HA when on 5G.
So no external URL is configured, no Wifi is active but it still uses my Nabucasa subscription?


  1. What is the companion app logic? How does it decide which server to use?
  2. How can you see which server is used for the current mobile app?
  1. 3-finger swipe up will show which server is used. 3-finger swipe left/right will switch between them
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