Internet connection issues

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to the Home Assistant community, but just got started earlier this week and am loving it. I’ve been having a ton of issues, but finally am realizing that they all might be related. I think that the raspberry pi I have installed on, is not properly connecting to the internet.

What I’ve done:
Installed on a Raspberry Pi 3 and connected to router using ethernet
Installed add ons:

  • Configurator (working fine)
  • Duck DNS. This took a while to finally get working. Got the domain from the website and modified the various config files. Only port I’m forwarding on the router is 8123->8123. From what I read, it sounds like I may need to forward 80 and 443 to update the certificate. The one issue I’ve been having here is that the certificate does not appear to be valid. Chrome throws a fuss when trying to access it (which I can get around), but the iOS app will not let me login to it because it doesn’t have a valid certificate.
  • Pi-hole. This is what I suspect could be causing the problems. It’s been working fine. I updated the router to use the Raspberry Pi’s internal IP as the DNS server and it’s been blocking all ad requests. The one issue I’ve had here is that I can not update the client IP addresses with friendly names. I’ve modified the /etc/hosts file on the pi, but it doesn’t appear to have any effect.
  • SSH Server. Been working well
  • Samba Share. Also been working well.

After all is said and done, the network is running smoothly. All devices connected are routing through the pihole fine and there doesn’t appear to be any issues. Except, the raspberry pi seems to be having a connection issue. None of the weather sensors (YR or Darksky) are receiving any data, the wget command will not work with any site, I’m unable to log in to Home Assistant cloud from the configuration screen, and the pihole is unable to update its blacklist list. None of the error messages are particularly informative, which is why I haven’t provided them, but I would be happy to provide any additional information if it would help.

If you’re using duckdns, you have to use the duckdns URL and not the local IP.

Can you go to the command line and ping


On the app I have been trying to use the duckdns URL.

The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.

core-ssh:~# ping
ping: bad address ''

Update: I hadn’t checked the Pi-hole UI page, but since setting up the duckdns, it no longer load properly and gives a 404 not found error… The 2 it looks like are in the pi-hole config settings are http_port: 80 and https_port: 443. so i think I should be forwarding them as well. Upon doing some research it looks like i should disable DHCP on the router and have the pi-hole handle it, since then it’ll correctly hand itself out as the DNS server

Did you get to the bottom of this? I have the same error with bad address and am trying to work out what the issue is.

@john17 Did you figure this out?

Issue is caused if PiHole is installed. without static IP and outside DNS it create a loophole.

For more info and how to fix this, read

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