Internet outage, Home Assistant offline - expected behaviour?

When my internet provider fell over with a network outage lasting for a week, many of my local services were still up and running. However, Home Assistant was not.

Is Home Assistant generally requiring access to the internet to function?

Regards, Carl

It depends on your integration. For local integration (such as ZHA), it does not require internet connectivity.

Also, you can go to Integration, type your Integration name → Check the IoT Class.

You can find more information regarding IoT class here-

Welcome them to the community, @cralwalker :slightly_smiling_face:

Not really. I experienced an internet outage of ~36 hours lately and HA was functioning normally except for the link from external. Did you correctly configure LAN access to your HA?

Tested yesterday during an internet outage.
Everything worked well except a few things depending on the cloud.

Can you please be more specific about what was not working?

It all depends on how your network and router are set up…

Thank you all for your replies. I am running HASS in a Virtuabox VM on a 2011 Macbook. LAN users normally have access to the web GUI. When my connection to the internet fell over, I was not able to access the GUI from either a web browser or from a mobile phone app. Good to know that it is a localised issue I will be able to overcome.

I am wanting to migrate all cloud connected to locally connected, Tuya devices hopefully next on the hit-list?

do you normally use a local ip for connection to the ui or do you use an external one (duckdns, nabu casa, etc)?

You mean DNS name…
also that works locally, provided you configured a local dns server (which could be the routers own dns)
I use the same dns name both internal as well as external (which comes in handy when ssl is configured and no hairpin NAT is available)
As mentioned, too little info to say anything useful about it :nerd_face:

not really…

I use the IP:PORT for my HA machine to access locally (from within my network)

I use nabu cassa for remote access external to my network.

I assumed the question is regarding the same ip/dns
I also assumed the use of ssl…
Again, they question is very vague

I use the same dns name both in- and ex-ternal, but they do not resolve to the same ip address.

Using the same ip would work too, but requires hairpin NAT or a reverse proxy (f.e. ngix)

I only use a local IP address for connecting to the UI.

Then an internet outage shouldn’t prevent access to the UI over your local LAN.