IntesisHome WiFi AC Control

I can confirm that by simply importing the zip file provided by @mhoogenbosch earlier, I am able to get my 3 myanywair wifi devices integrated with HA finally!

Configuration yaml has below:


  • platform: intesishome
    device: intesishome_local
    username: admin
    password: password
  • platform: intesishome
    device: intesishome_local
    username: admin
    password: password
  • platform: intesishome
    device: intesishome_local
    username: admin
    password: password

Hi all,
I have published a fork of what I believe to be the latest version of the integration to jnimmo/hass-intesishome: Experimental fork of the IntesisHome integration for Home Assistant ( You can drop this into HACS as a custom repository, and then configure it using the user interface (config flow). Any required changes should be submitted as pull requests there. Anything major not working let me know as I may have missed something while resolving conflicts.
This version supports Intesisbox, Intesishome Local and of course cloud control. I should note, Intesisbox support of it hasn’t been widely tested, so if you have issues probably use instead. Ideally these would be combined at some stage :slight_smile:
When I get a chance I’ll import the proper git history for the code base for version control.
Unfortunately this is the last code I intend to write for integration/pyIntesisHome, and I’m looking for a new maintainer for these projects. I haven’t used Intesis devices for years now and this project is taking me away from other more important priorities. This integration was the reason I learnt Python so it’s always been a bit of a special project for me, but I no longer have time to keep up with changes in Home Assistant Core let alone bug fixes.
Thanks very much for the kind words and to those who have assisted over the years and provided test accounts etc.


Thanks @jnimmo ! Thought I’d pop in some screenshots for others viewing this in future (I’m on 2022.7.0 currently)

Using that new repository in HACS:
I’ve now removed my older .zip and configuration.yaml stuff, adding in:

After getting it downloaded, HA restarted, I had to Ctrl + Shift + R so that it’d show up when adding the integration:

Chose intesishome_local:

Set the IP / credentials:

And success:

It’s showing up perfectly!

Again a huge thank you to you @jnimmo for all your effort with this. Most grateful! Have a few coffees on me :slight_smile:


This works great for me. I have the DK-RC-WIFI-1B for my Daikin unit. Thanks! Hope someone can pick this project up. Guess I won’t be upgrading HA for a while now.

Glad to hear it’s working, and thanks for the screenshots @Chilling_Silence!
There has only been a handful of changes required over the years for keeping up with Home Assistant or even changes to the Intesis API, and plenty of devs or potential devs out there using it so I’m confident you’ll be able to keep upgrading Home Assistant.


Thanks for pushing all PR’s thus making it work from HACS. Just removed my custom integration which was self-modified and added your repro, it works great! Again; thanks.

Would it be possible to add a very minor change to the readme file? To show which modules are known to work with local integration and which aren’t?

As far as I could see the following are confirmed to work with local:

And the following isn’t:


Many thanks for putting together this integration, and hopefully some qualified will pick up where you left off.


@jnimmo Many, many thanks. Good work. Runs well for me (MH-AC-WIFI-1) at first glance. The cloud via airconwithme was/is the purest disaster. Finally local control possible.

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Please open an issue on with debugging information if the cloud control was not working well, it should be stable, and believe is for some people.
Credit to @rklomp for the local integration, I’ve just been unable to get it added to core and haven’t had time to package it up as a separate repo.

I got “Became unavailable” via Home Assistant with the cloud version of IS-ASX-WIFI-1 12 hours ago (and it didn’t get back up). When using the airconwithme app, the data is visible, which means that your integration is not stable.

I am not running your latest code, but you didn’t say you implemented anything to increase reliability. If you did, please provide git hash and repo name such that I can upgrade efficiently and there is no misunderstanding about versions.

For anyone to be able to troubleshoot theee issues, debug logs are required. These can be configured by adding the block below to your configuration file, then you would need to search the log to pull out the integration and pyintesishome lines.

If you’ve patched it yourself then please consider creating a pull request so the rest of the community can benefit from it also.

  default: info
    custom_components.intesishome: debug
    homeassistant.components.intesishome: debug
    pyintesishome: debug

@jnimmo Thanks a lot! This works great and exactly what I was looking for after the cloud connection of my airconme devices dropped many times last few days. Just 15 minutes ago I came to this page and installed the repo with local connection. Works like a charm. Glad i can now forget about the ‘cloud connection nightmare’ Cheers :beer:

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This is the error in the logs.

TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connect call failed ('', 443)

Time outs shouldn’t result in an error, but there should be exponential back off.

Sorry need full debug logging as I specified before. If you review the code you will find there is indeed automatic back off and retry, but clearly something is wrong and without more detailed logging can”t see what the connection is in relation to.
Please raise an issue on GitHub with the full debug logging context, and confirm you are running either the latest HACS release.

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I’ve come across an issue where the “Return Path Temperature” that the AC unit is reporting the temperature is, gets stuck and won’t update.

It wouldn’t even change after reloading the integration.

However when I restarted HA to enable logging, that resolved the issue.

I’ve had this occur both at home and at work now, so hopefully I’ll be able to get some helpful logs soon the next time it occurs :+1:

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Hello Guys,

I have 3 MH-AC-WIFI-1 units using IntesisHome local… I have the same issues with not updating the current_temp properly.

Do we have a new maintainer already for this custom component…

Using version 1.0.1 of the component and running it on:

Home Assistant 2022.8.6
Supervisor 2022.08.3
Operating System 8.4
Frontend 20220802.0 - latest



Yeah I’ve found the issue has also resurfaced for me, seems to be every few days (depending on if I do / don’t restart HA?)


However I can’t find anything in the logs relating to it? I’m potentially not looking in the right place, but all I could find that may have been relevant was:

Source: components/websocket_api/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: August 19, 2022 at 1:48:37 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: August 20, 2022 at 4:32:08 PM

[140254918134848] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized)
[140255337373440] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized)
[140255040132416] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized)
[140254747428848] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized)
[140254961536784] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized)

Can anyone point me to where I should be seeing the logger entries?
I have this set and have restarted HA since.

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I also have two at home and 5 at work, I wonder if this is related to multiple units somehow?

So basically it’s not polling regularly? I am also using the outdoor_temp and I see that this sensor also is not updating…

Yeah the Return Path Temperature is the “current observed” temperature, as opposed to the target. The target temperature is being updated all good :+1: Even after the return path stops being updated.

I take it you can also log in to your WebUI and confirm the discrepancy there too?

At work, I only used the myanywAiR app to join them to the WiFi, and local control only, they never got joined to an account etc so aren’t doing any cloud stuff that could be conflicting. At home though I joined them fully to the app / account so it’s not anything there I would think causing it either given I’m seeing this occurring at both places.

Have uploaded a video showing this occurring, and me fixing it:

I still haven’t been able to see anything in the logs though otherwise :frowning: