IntesisHome WiFi AC Control

Thanks mate, good info. So that model is the intesisbox version. From what I can tell it is local only as opposed to the cloud based controller. I’m not sure of the benefit of this, seems like reduced functionality at the cost of solely local connection. I did email ivoryegg and also smartthings who both seem to stock it for around them for $399 mark. Does the intesis controller give ability for a sleep timer?

Removing the wall controller completely would be a deal breaker. My wife is already pissed off everytime I add another smart thing in the house (shes married the wrong person).

So assuming the wall controller can be taken off where they’ll be dip switches. Then you either cable it there, or in the roof cavity by cutting the cable and wiring inline?

The intesis box is wired into the ceiling unit at the same place as the controller at the screw terminal block, no cutting required. I guess you could also wire it into the terminal block at the controller, but I didn’t want to have the intesis box at that spot and actually have it in the roof cavity
The controller can come off the wall to access the dip switches in it. If you can find an instruction manual for the model of wall controller you have then it should give you the switch settings.
My unit for some reason doesn’t seem to exist as far as Fujitsu is concerned. They did tell me it was genuine, but they had no manuals for it. I managed to work it out from looking at manuals for a lot of other controllers that were similar and then I just did trial and error, flip a switch, reset the AC, see what happened… that may or may not be something you are comfortable doing though.

Get your wall controller off and check the model number, search for the manual and see if you can get the settings you need.

(fyi, my AC control model is an AR-3TA3 I think, it’s pretty old now though, but it was a while ago that I had to play around doing this)

I would generally suggest IntesisHome models - as nice as it is to have local control with no cloud connection, IntesisHome is more practicable for any future owners of the house, and doesn’t matter if you have Home Assistant down for maintenance.

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Thanks mate. I too intend to put it in the roof cavity anyway (WA has mainly brick and its on an internal wall).

From google, my model looks like UTY-RVNUM and install manual is on the web which seems to only show 2 dip switches (single or dual control). At a guess it seems like I would just leave the DIP switches as it is and the intesis controller acts as the 2nd one. I’m sure I can get it working.

I have an iZone controller for room control (just on and off zones basically), i’m not sure how i can interface with this, and was considering the modbus version of the controller so it could interface. Alternatively, i could probably take the back off and solder wires to the buttons and use relays like a sonoff to turn on and off remotely.

Thanks Scott. I have the AR-3TA3 wall remote. I tried a few permutations of the switches but it kept throwing the Error -1 in the ASCII log and i couldn’t determine if a zone controller was compounding the issue so i ended up taking it off the wall altogether.
Did you change the switches only on the intesis unit or also on the main HVAC unit?

Hilarious we have the same model!

I’ve got the same Intesis MH-AC-WIFI-1 Card.

can someone do something with the local API ?


            "getinfo"               : "/js/api/getconfig.json",
            "login"                 : "/js/api/login.json",
            "logout"                : "/js/api/logout.json",
            "update_password"       : "/js/api/update_password.json",
            "getavailabledatapoints": "/js/api/getavailabledatapoints.json",
            "getdatapointvalue"     : "/js/api/getdatapointvalue.json",
            "setdatapointvalue"     : "/js/api/setdatapointvalue.json",
            "getcurrentconfig"      : "/js/api/getcurrentconfig.json",
            "identify"              : "/js/api/identify.json",
            "wpsstart"              : "/js/api/wpsstart.json",
            "getaplist"             : "/js/api/getaplist.json",
            "setdefaults"           : "/js/api/setdefaults.json",
            "setconfig"             : "/js/api/setconfig.json",
            "reboot"                : "/js/api/reboot.json",
            "getavailableservices"  : "/js/api/getavailableservices.json"
            "0":"Undefined error",
            "1":"Login Required.",
            "2":"Write Error",
            "3":"Read Error",
            "4":"Malformed Command",
            "5":"Incorrect User name or password",
            "6":"Current password is incorrect",
            "7":"Out of range",
            "8":"Invalid datapoint",
            "9":"Internal error",
            "10":"General error"
        "deviceModel":"Device Model",
        "fwVersion":"Device Firmware Version",
        "wlanFwVersion":"Wireless Firmware Version",
        "sn":"Serial Number",
        "wlanSTAMAC":"Device Client MAC Address",
        "ssid":"Wireless Network SSID",
        "wlanLNK":"Connection Status with Wireless Network",
        "rssi":"Wireless Signal Strength",
        "wlanAPMAC":"Device Access Point MAC Address",
        "ownSSID":"Device Access Point SSID",
        "tcpServerLNK":"Cloud Server Connection",
        "acStatus":"Air Conditioner Communication Status",
        "lastconfigdatetime":"Last Configuration",
        "localdatetime":"Local Date Time"
        "1":"Indoor Unit Error",
        "2":"Communication Error"
        "0":"No error",
        "1":"Wrong SSID introduced in the last configuration attempt", 
        "2":"Unsuccessful connection with the Access Point or router, check the password or the security mode selected",
        "3":"Wrong IP configuration introduced or Internet connection problem in your network",
        "4":"Your Access Point might be a captive portal. This type of network is not supported",
        "7":"WPS failed. Try it again or configure your device by using the automatic or manual mode"
        "securityType": {
            "3":"Very Good",
            "1": ["On/Off", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "2": ["User Mode", "TEXT_VALUES_MODES", ""],
            "4": ["Fan Speed", "TEXT_VALUES_FANSPEED", ""],
            "5": ["Vane Up/Down Position", "TEXT_VALUES_VANES", ""],
            "6": ["Vane Left/Right Position", "TEXT_VALUES_VANES", ""],
            "9": ["User Setpoint", {}, "°C"],
            "10": ["Return Path Temperature", {}, "°C"],
            "12": ["Remote Disable", "TEXT_VALUES_REMOTE", ""],
            "13": ["On Time", {}, "h"],
            "14": ["Alarm Status", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "15": ["Error Code", {}, ""],
            "34": ["Quiet Mode", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "35": ["Min Temperature Setpoint", {}, "°C"],
            "36": ["Max Temperature Setpoint", {}, "°C"],
            "37": ["Outdoor Temperature", {}, "°C"],
            "60": ["Heat 8/10ºC", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "61": ["cfg Mode Map", {}, ""],
            "62": ["cfg Mode Restrict", {}, ""],
            "63": ["cfg Horizontal Vanes", {}, ""],
            "64": ["cfg Vertical Vanes", {}, ""],
            "65": ["cfg Quiet mode", {}, ""],
            "66": ["cfg Confirmation On/Off", {}, ""],
            "67": ["cfg Fan Map Speed", {}, ""],
            "68": ["Instant Power Consumption", {}, "W"],
            "69": ["Accumulated Power Consumption", {}, "Wh"],
            "181": ["Maintenance time", {}, "h"],
            "182": ["Maintenance config", {}, "h"],
            "183": ["Maintenance Filter time", {}, "h"],
            "184": ["Maintenance Filter config", {}, "h"]
            "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF": {
            "TEXT_VALUES_MODES": {
            "TEXT_VALUES_FANSPEED": {
                "1":"Speed 1",
                "2":"Speed 2",
                "3":"Speed 3",
                "4":"Speed 4",
                "5":"Speed 5",
                "6":"Speed 6",
                "7":"Speed 7",
                "8":"Speed 8",
                "9":"Speed 9",
                "10":"Speed 10"
            "TEXT_VALUES_VANES": {
                "1":"Position 1",
                "2":"Position 2",
                "3":"Position 3",
                "4":"Position 4",
                "5":"Position 5",
                "6":"Position 6",
                "7":"Position 7",
                "8":"Position 8",
                "9":"Position 9",
            "TEXT_VALUES_REMOTE": {
                "0":"Remote Enabled",
                "1":"Remote Disabled"

I also have a few units that have been installed with the local webserver and I’ve done some basic prodding around.

None of the API endpoints returns anything other than a 404 for me but it does look pretty promising.

It looks like it’s pulling from the data.json file to get all the signal options. Everything else is then going via the CGI API that has been added into pyIntesisHome.

@jnimmo any status updates for this?

I just got a bunch installed and then found out that they had installed the cloud ones! Then followed up to get them swapped out and then found out that the other ones were twice the price!

So now pretty stuck between two minds, but if we can hack our way to a local push then that would be awesome and I can just leave them as is.

edit: Happy to test/help develop this out.

Hello, I hope someone can help me but I am new to HA and I am trying to get this integration up and running but I just can’t figure out how. I have HA running on a Raspberry Pi. Can someone link to some directions?

I used the intesishome for a while and it was disappointing to me. The cloud service didn’t work all the time. For my second airco unit I switched to a DIY project from Github. This works with MQTT and I am so happy with it that I made a 2nd one to replace the intesis module. It is way more stable and also much cheaper.

If anyone needs help with this, I would be glad to help. I can also help with the parts.

What kind of help can you offer? Can we just buy an assembled unit from you?

Which HomeAssistant integration should be able to work with a IS-ACX-WIFI-1 module from airconwithme?

Yes sure, if you want me to do that I can do that for you. PM me for more details.

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There is a PR for IntesisHome integration with local API support:

Add IntesisBox + IntesisHome local support by jnimmo · Pull Request #57883 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I’m using local connection with Airconwithme WiFi module for more than 3 months now.

If you want to use it too, you need to install manually, because PR is missing some config flow tests and can’t be merged right now.

You can find installation instructions in my comment here.

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I’ve been using this integration for a couple of months now, and it has always been working just fine. But now all of a sudden i’lm getting errors setting up the integration:

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: components/intesishome/
Integration: Klimaat (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 19:07:10 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:07:10

Error while setting up intesishome platform for climate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/intesishome/", line 127, in async_setup_platform
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/intesishome/", line 128, in <listcomp>
    IntesisAC(ih_device_id, device, controller)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/intesishome/", line 198, in __init__
    if modes := controller.get_mode_list(ih_device_id):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyintesishome/", line 760, in get_mode_list
    if mode_map & mode_bit:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'NoneType' and 'int'

Anyone else experiences this?

I second this question. I’m in New Zealand and Fujitsu are using the intesishome wifi control units which link to myanywAIR (myanywAIR dot com) which appears to create an account at instead of the standard intesis account page at

My myanywAIR app has 3 high wall heat pumps added to it for the last 12 months and I can integrate them to Google assistant fine but not into HA.

I have tried creating an account directly at intesis dot com and can log into the accloud mobile app ok, but when trying to add the wifi unit to the app or directly from the web site I get the error in the attached screenshot.

Is there a way to point the intesishome integration to this sub domain instead so we can debug whether it works the same or not?

Wifi unit type: IS-ACX-WIFI-1
Model: UTY-FGAN1

The code is all there for anywAir but due to Home Assistant deprecating yaml configuration I haven’t been able to add it. You can download this version however and put in your custom components folder which will provide anywAir support.