Intex Pure Spa wifi control

Thanks, I implemented it !

I personally tend to consider bubbles as a specific switch.
If not, how to consider jets ?

have a look in DeviceSPAActivity

            } else if ((parseInt < 182 || ((parseInt >= 190 && parseInt <= 197) || parseInt == 199)) && needShowErrorCode(appendZeroToStr(binaryString))) {
                this.hasErrorCode = true;
                TextView textView = this.mErrorCode;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                int i = parseInt - 100;
                showErrorContent("E" + i);


Great ! But do some error detection please, i don’t know, what happens, if status is not instance of IntexSpaStatus - maybe do some method in your IntegrationIntexSpaEntity class to handle errors and call it from all async_turn_on/off methods?

I did not consider jets, i don’t have them :slight_smile: . You are right, you cannot cram all functionality to enitity not to ment to be SPA

I went on with the integration, and am currently implementing the climate entity:


It’s working, and… it can be installed from HACS ! First, add the custom repository URL, as you won’t find it yet in the repositories known by HACS.

This is still Work In Progress. Namely, simultaneous requests lead to an exception (quite bad) and has to be investigated.

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Thanks, i have installed it few minutes ago :wink:

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I credited you as I used many parts of your work ! Thanks @elkropac !

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Would you add your own options to this dashboard configuration discussion, please ?

status is an IntexSpaStatus, or an exception is raised.
So I did not implement error detection there, but we should assert that all errors eventually proceeds to an exception

Created an account to say thanks.
This stuff is awesome and works perfectly here.


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Thanks @CyrilP, I used your extracted code to implement an error code sensor

If you are using the integration, be careful as the climate entity_id has changed from climate.spa_climate to

Have it installed and working but each time i shutdown/restart my access point, the integration become unable to reconnect (No problem with intex app on the same smartphone, same conditions).
I set up a ping sensor to check if SPA_DEVICE.lan is reachable on the network.
The only workaround i found is…restart HA :slight_smile: and then it works again until next wifi off/on cycle (i shutdown Wifi during the night).
Any idea ?

Hi, i have finally managed to connect spa outside and i have already encoutered this behaviour too. I will have to investigate. Now, my spa says it’s online, but i cannot send any commands to it (errno 104)

Reloading the intergration helps to unstuck it, no need to restart HA

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Hi @ecou2508 , I just updated the integration and the python package following up with the issue posted by elkropac. I hope it solves your issue !

If not, could you log it on the integration issue board, please ?

Hi Mathieu-mp.

Just a quick message to thank you , elkropac and everyone involved for this integration. It works pretty well right now, on a 2022.7 HA.

Best regards,

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Hi @Djes and @JulienT-FL , is your spa model on this page? and which one is it exactly ? (no of people, round/square, color)

I’m trying to find a mapping between data retrieved from a “type 3” info and the commercial model or reference.