Invalid config for [scene]: [id] is and invalid option for [scene]

Hey guys, new to the forums and new to HA - loving it! (Still in SmartThings recovery!)

In our transition away from SmartThings we’ll be creating a lot of scenes. We’ve started with one scene in HA and we’re getting an error.

The error is the “Invalid config for [scene]: [id]” error. I’ve found some stories in the forums and around the web and still can’t figure out why the Scene editor is putting this random ID in our configuration.yaml.

We’ve only created one scene and it’s pretty straightforward (lights: on) for about 6 bulbs and that’s pretty much it. Every time we save the scene, we get this error. Our scenes are only added using the Scene editor so I’m surprised this happening.

When I remove the scene, remove the line from the yaml, reboot, then add the scene, the erroneous ID gets added back to the yaml. Seems like this is coming from the Scene editor UI? Any way to capture this and figure out how to avoid it?

Thank you,

The error: