Before the update to 0.85.1 I had a working configuration.
After the update, the installation was complaining about a wrong configuration
Invalid config for [sensor.template]: [smappee_millegem__water_sensor_2_gas_meter_corrected] is an invalid option for [sensor.template]. Check: sensor.template->sensors->smappee_millegem__water_sensor_two_gas_meter_corrected. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at
Strange to see: (See ?, line ?)
I don’t see anything strange in the logfile.
Other things are working, I can control for example my Bose soundtouch devices, I see the weather component, the moonphases, etc.
Where to start debugging this?
I did read the release notes and the breaking changes, but didn’t find anything about this.
Check the entity names that you’re using in the template sensor.
Go to Dev Tools/states and see if their name has changed.
From the Release Notes for 0.85
Slugify changed, which can impact entity ID creation if the entities had names with either a - or characters outside of A-Z and the integration has no unique IDs. We now better handle the characters and substitute it with an alternative instead of removing that character.
These names where given automatically by the smappee component of home assistant.
In version 0.84.6, the names did all have a double underscore.
So in my group configuration and an overruled sensor (via templating), I used the names with the double underscore.
After the update to 0.85.1, the double underscore was gone.
So my groups and the overruled sensor didn’t work anymore.
So not sure if double underscores don’t work anymore, but in 0.85.1 they are not generated anymore with double underscores…
Yeah, I updated my Hass.IO to 0.85.1 and all my double underscores were gone in HA itself.
I have been using double underscores in my whole configuration and had to change them all…