Invalid Configuration?

Not sure what happened, but I am getting an invalid config error. The only things I changed were a quick automation to the automations.yaml, which I deleted to be sure it wasn’t the issue and I upgraded my z-wave JS and file editor add-ons. The configuration check is giving me this error…

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/customize.yaml”, line 1, column 49

However, Iine is simply defauly_config: in my configuration file.

Here is my configuration.yaml…

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.

#History Storage
  purge_keep_days: 7

# Panel Frames - Additional Panels for Home Assistant
   title: Rachio
   url: ""
   icon: mdi:water-pump
   #title: UniFi
   #url: ""
   #icon: mdi:lan

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

# Google Calendar
  client_id: xxxxxxx
  client_secret: xxxxxxx

# Nest
  client_id: xxxxxxx
  client_secret: xxxxxx

# Bloomsky
  api_key: xxxxxxxx
 - platform: bloomsky

# Harmony Hubs
# - platform: harmony
#   name: BSMT Harmony Hub
#   host:
# - platform: harmony
#   name: KIT Harmony Hub
#   host:
# - platform: harmony
#   name: LR Harmony Hub
#   host:
# - platform: harmony
#   name: MB Harmony Hub
#   host:
 customize: !include customize.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
cloud: !include_dir_merge_list cloud.yaml
group: !include_dir_merge_list groups.yaml
history: !include history.yaml
light: !include_dir_merge_list lights
media_player: !include media_players.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors
switch: !include_dir_merge_list switches

Sounds like it could be in your customize.yaml file.

Also check the indentation on the line in configuration that has
customize: !include customize.yaml

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And the “mapping values” error usually means you have a colon in a “value”.

Watch your indenting: you have a few single-space indents in that configuration.yaml (rachio, bloomsky, customize (which should be left-aligned)).

Surely the message tells you exactly where the error is.

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Bingo, the error was in the customize.yaml file. Which is odd, as I never touched the file…fixed now though! Thanks for the help.

As you knew from the error message.

Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. I never touched the customization file so I was assuming it was the config for some reason. My fault.

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