Invalid Entity ID Reference - Can't Find It!

I receive this error upon login after updating to 0.86.3. I’ve received the zones.yaml file and I even removed this entry but it continues to remain.

When I re-enabled it, the entry is showing up as zone.ron_rosemarys no problem. The issue is I can’t locate where to remove the wrong entity that it keeps telling me about.

I’ve checked in the core.config_entries and the other files in this location and no luck. I’ve searched in the customize.yaml and no luck.

I am struggling to find where this is at and worried that eventually it will break on another update because I didn’t remove this.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Have you tried a recursive search in your config folder?

sudo grep -ril '/home/homeassistant' -e 'ron__rosemary'

This will list all files containing the text “ron__rosemary”. Adjust the path to your homeasistant config directory as it might be elsewhere than /home/homeassistant.


Of course it was in an automation. I should’ve known. Thanks for the tip, much appreciated.

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