Ever since updating to Hassio 0.65, I’ve been receiving this error in the logs, which has resulted in the users’ location not updating ever since:
Invalid service data for device_tracker.see: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘name’]. Got ‘DeviceName’
I am currently running hassio 0.65.6 on a RPi3 and I was using the Mosquitto broker and life360 addons to track the presence of users based on their mobile phone location reported by the Life360 app (Android).
My configuration.yaml device tracker section looks as follows:
broker: 192.168.1.x
port: 1883
client_id: hassio
username: user
password: pass
- platform: mqtt_json
a_phone: /life360/location/a
b_phone: /life360/location/b
I’ve been searching for any hints on what caused the error and how to fix it, but I cannot find anything related. Hoping somebody here can point me in the right direction.