Invert Roller Shutter (Fibaro) via Zwave JS

Hello !
I am a newbie on Home Assistant but I have 5 years of Domoticz experience ;-).

In Domoticz, when you install your Roller Shutter, you can setup the fibaro in any way (until the physical button are going the same way) as you could invert it with OpenzWave or directly in Domoticz.

Now in Home Assistant, even after reading many posts on the forums, I don’t see an easy way to invert the up-down in HA as most of my roller shutters are actually inversted. This means that I have like 20/30 of them to invert all around the house.

Is it not possible to quickly invert them with a toggle ?

THANKS for your support !
Looking forward to be part of HA community !


Got no reply… So I just inverted one by one…

I know this is an old post…I just started with HA and landed on your post.
I am also trying to invert the direction of my shade buttons on the dashboard.
You mentioned changing them one by one - could you point me in the right direction to do this, I am lost for where to start.
