Inverted sensors for those that go to unavailable on reboot? Or different solution available?

So when i reboot HA, i have various (zigbee) sensors that start. For example, i have a aqara door sensor and an automation that checks if the front door is closed (closed is the trigger).

This automation (and others) seem to run when i restart. They are all zigbee sensors and the problem is they go to unavailable, then back to the old state and the automation kicks off as a result.

Now i saw this discussion about creating inverse sensors (i have below problem as well with the rain sensor (it also uses a aqara sensor) and it going to unavailable upon restart for a while), and i was wondering if i should create these inverted sensors for the other zigbee sensors as well.

Continuing the discussion from :umbrella: DIY Zigbee rain gauge:

I hope i’m making sense. Although rather then creating inverted sensors, maybe i need to change the trigger ? I guess what’s happening is that the sensor goes to unavailable, then back to the previous state (closed) and the automation runs.

Any help with this would be greatly liked :slight_smile:

I guess the solution for aqara zigbee sensors is to add this as a condition:

  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.from_state.state != ''unavailable'' }}'

and for something like the quoted post an inverted sensor ?
Is that about right? The value_template condition still feels like a hack though, but i guess if my automation only triggers on state ‘closed’ and it’s coming from state ‘unavailable’ after a reboot for example, then i guess it’s correct… (but maybe there should be a button in HA somewhere to not start automations if coming from state unavailable).

This is happening probably because you only have to state in your automations.

Consider also adding from or even not_from.
So you will have more control over your automation conditions.

Here is an example that is in the docs…

    - platform: state
      entity_id: vacuum.test
        - "unknown"
        - "unavailable"
      to: "on"

I’m currently using device to trigger ‘front door closed’. So i suppose the better way would be to use state instead? That does seem to fix a lot of things indeed.

I have a battery percentage check which does the same:

type: battery_level
platform: device
device_id: 29021cd60603cca66305b701486454b8
entity_id: sensor.doorbell_battery_percentage
domain: sensor
above: 10

Could i use above: 10 in addition to below:10 to make sure it has to be above 10, and thus never triggers after a reboot? I added:

  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.from_state.state != ''unavailable'' }}'

But i guess it never went unavailable. The other alternative i can think off is setting a condition to make sure the battery is above 10 before running it. All seems way hackier then i want to. Using state seems like a elegant solution.

Another alternative (what I use), would be to use a condition template for HA uptime.

  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ ((as_timestamp(now()) -
      as_timestamp(states.sensor.hassos_uptime.last_changed)) >= 5) }}

Oh that’s smart, i like that. That will come in handy.

I don’t seem to have that sensor. Where could i create or make a similar sensor ?

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Wonderful, thank you!

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Question: I’m using this condition now after setting up the uptime integration:

Would this be a condition of having to run for more then one minute before running the automation?