Inverter Power Flow Card

You can create two utility meters to measure your daily grid import and daily grid export using the helper functions. For the daily import use the real energy consumed sensor as input and for the daily export use the real energy produced. You can display this on the card and also compare these to the values on the energy distribution card.

The house load would be real power + solar power so you can create another template sensor with the following value template

value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.real_power') | float * 1000 + states('sensor.solar_power') | float) | round(0) }}"

Thanks once again @slipx06, i have created those, now need to wait for some sun! :rofl:

As for the house load sensor, does that correspond to day_load_energy_84: ?

Something not working somewhere:

type: custom:sunsynk-power-flow-card
cardstyle: lite
show_solar: true
show_battery: false
  show_daily: true
  mppts: 1
  auto_scale: true
  show_daily: false
  additional_loads: 2
  load1_icon: mdi:heat-pump-outline
  load1_name: Heat Pump
  load2_icon: mdi:ev-station
  load2_name: Charging Station
  auto_scale: true
  show_daily_buy: false
  show_daily_sell: false
  invert_grid: false
  auto_scale: true
  priority_load_243: null
  inverter_voltage_154: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_ac_voltage
  load_frequency_192: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_frequency
  inverter_current_164: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_ac_current
  inverter_power_175: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_ac_power
  grid_power_169: sensor.smart_meter_ts_65a_3_real_power
  day_grid_import_76: sensor.daily_energy_import
  day_grid_export_77: sensor.daily_energy_export
  grid_ct_power_172: sensor.convert_grid_power
  day_load_energy_84: sensor.house_load
  day_pv_energy_108: sensor.solarnet_energy_day
  pv1_power_186: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_ac_power
  pv1_voltage_109: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_dc_voltage
  pv1_current_110: sensor.symo_advanced_15_0_3_m_1_dc_current
  remaining_solar: sensor.energy_production_today_remaining
  essential_load1: sensor.instantaneous_used_power_32167
  essential_load2: sensor.wattpilot_charging_energy
  nonessential_power: NONE


I’m sitting here trying to do maths to get a new card on mine to figure out when my battery will be at 100%. Low and behold I find this. I’m gonna install this RIGHT NOW.

What I had before:

No problem. For grid set show_daily: true to display those sensors on the card. For the load power add the following entity

essential_power: sensor.house_load

You can refer to the docs if unsure Sunsynk-Power-Flow-Card — sunsynk-power-flow-card documentation

Hello. Please, would it be possible to add the total generation item to the lite card in the solar show_daily system?
Or the option to choose whether total generation or remaining solar?
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.

Hi. What do you mean by total solar generation ? All solar generated since the inverter was powered on / current month, current year etc ?

Yes, I mean the complete total production over all the years and life of the inverter

yes some call it Lifetime PV energy… in goodwe I have the following sensor.total_pv_generation

@slipx06 your assistance has got me far!

Just a couple of more entities to figure out and I will be up and running.

1 question: How do you position additional loads in the chart (location)?

You specify the number of additional loads that you want displayed using the additional_loads: attribute. You can further customise each additional load

load1_name: Optional Set the display name for the essential load 1
load2_name: Optional Set the display name for the essential load 2
load1_icon: Optional none Change the essential load 1 image using preset or any mdi icon e.g. mdi:ev-station Presets are: boiler, pump, aircon, oven
load2_icon: Optional none Change the essential load 2 image using preset or any mdi icon e.g. mdi:ev-station Presets are: boiler, pump, aircon, oven

Thanks but I meant location as in pixel position


Position of heat pump and charging station.

Unfortunately you cannot change the positioning. It centers the text below the rectangle. You have to shorten your label due to limited space or change to a generic descriptor i.e. Load 1, Load 2 etc.

But in the lite card or examples of the card I have seen are like the example


Where 1 load is above the house and another below.

I had that with the lite card but not in the full card mode.

This is by design. The additional detail on the full card does not allow for that layout.


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Ok thanks for letting me know!

:boom: Breaking Changes

  • feat: new display_mode: for solar information. Values can be 1 - Only display the daily total, 2 - Display the daily total and remaining daily forecast, 3 - Display the daily total and total solar generation. The default value is 1.

Example: Display Daily Total and Remaining Forecast

  display_mode: 2
  • feat: new entity sensor total_pv_generation:. Used for solar display_mode 3. Specify a sensor that contains lifetime solar generation or maximum daily forecast.
  • feat: Optimise display when only one mppt is specified.

Full Changelog: Comparing v2.13.1...v3.0.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub



Thank you very much. Can I ask for an update of the CZ language translation of the word total_pv_generation?

    "common": {
        "description": "Karta Home Assistant pro emulaci toku energie, který je zobrazen na obrazovce měniče Sunsynk", 
        "version": "Verze",
        "runtime_to": "ČAS DO",
        "battery_floating": "BATERIE JE NABITÁ",
        "charge": "NABÍT",
        "to": "DO",
        "daily_load": "DNES SPOTŘEBA",
        "daily_aux": "DENNÍ VSTUP",
        "daily_grid_buy": "DNES NÁKUP",
        "daily_grid_sell": "DNES PRODEJ",
        "daily_solar": "DNES VÝROBA",
        "daily_solar_left": "DNES VÝROBA / OČEKÁVANÁ VÝROBA",
        "total_solar_generation": "DNES VÝROBA / CELKOVÁ VÝROBA",
        "daily_charge": "DNES NABÍJENÍ",
        "daily_discharge": "DNES VYBÍJENÍ",
        "ratio": "Poměr",
        "timer_off": "Časovač off",
        "timer_on": "Časovač on",
        "priority_batt": "Nabít Baterii z DS",
        "priority_load": "Nabíjím Baterii z DS",
        "nonessential_name": "Nedostupné",
        "aux_name": "Pomocné",
        "load1_name": "",
        "load2_name": "",
        "pv1_name": "PV1",
        "pv2_name": "PV2",
        "pv3_name": "PV3",
        "pv4_name": "PV4",
        "essential": "Nezbytný",
        "autarky": "Vlastní",
    "errors": {
        "battery": {
            "bat": "Nejsou definovány žádné atributy baterie",
            "energy": "Uveďte prosím atribut energie baterie a hodnotu ve Wh, např. 5,32 Energie baterie: 5320",
            "shutdown_soc": "Uveďte atribut battery shut down_soc a hodnotu, např. shutdown_soc: 20 shutdown_soc: 20",
            "full_capacity": "Plná kapacita musí být mezi 80 a 100",
            "empty_capacity": "Prázdná kapacita musí být <= 30",
            "show_daily": "Uveďte prosím atributy day_battery_charge_70 a day_battery_discharge_71 a ID entit"
        "solar": {
            "sol": "Nejsou definovány žádné solar atributy",
            "mppts": "Uveďte prosím atribut a hodnotu solar mppts; 1,2,3 nebo 4 např. mppts: 2",
            "show_daily": "Uveďte prosím atribut day_pv_energy_108 a ID entity"
        "grid": {
            "show_daily": "Uveďte prosím atributy day_grid_import_76 a day_grid_export_77 a ID entit"
        "essential_power": "Atribut essential_power je nastaven na hodnotu none. Uveďte prosím atribut inverter_power_175 a ID entity, aby karta mohla vypočítat tuto hodnotu.",
        "nonessential_power": "Atribut neesenciální_výkon je nastaven na hodnotu none. Uveďte prosím atribut grid_power_169 a ID entity, aby karta mohla vypočítat tuto hodnotu.",
        "missing_entity": "Uveďte prosím atribut a ID entity"
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I’ve updated thanks

:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: display 4 additional loads on the lite card.
  • localize: update Czech translation


Full Changelog: Comparing v3.1.0...v3.2.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub

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Hi @slipx06

Is it possible to change the colour of the inverter or display a text to show whether the inverter is running in inverter mode or bypass mode?