Inverter Power Flow Card

Versions v1.1.1 and v1.1.2
Fix missing battery icon and other issues as a result of changing the inverter image

Version v1.1.3

  • Improve text displayed when batteries are charging
  • Merge pull request 14. Refactor inverter state logic. Thanks @Sparkz0629
  • Merge pull request 12. Add card configuration example top README. Thanks @Sparkz0629

New Release v1.2.0

NOTE: This release changes the card configuration. Please see the README


  • Choose between two inverter images (modern or Sunsynk)
  • Colour options for all card objects
  • Supports inverted battery power i.e. -discharge, +charge

@slipx06 - this is awesome! I’m having a go at setting up your fab looking dashboards today (not a skill I’ve mastered in my home assistant journey yet!)

What are you using for the modbus → home assistant connection? I figured the default go to would be this add-on for everyone, but I’m seeing that it perhaps doesn’t extract everything you do (eg. switch.toggle_system_timer).

Its going to be fun… :grin:

I use an esp32 that’s running ESPHome connected to a RS485 adapter. That integration should also work and provide you with the correct sensor values

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New Release v1.2.1
NOTE: The card configuration has changed from release v1.2.0. Please see the README


  • Daily totals can now be toggled independently.
  • Option to hide “AUX” from the full card
  • Realign PV data to avoid overlap
  • Daily load is displayed on the full card if “AUX” is hidden and the load show_daily attribute is set to yes
  • Add more verbose inverter status message i.e Normal, Fault etc

Fun indeed!

Unfortunately the add-on I linked to doesn’t extract all of the data there you’ve done. Is yours just a ‘solo’ project or something you’ve more officially released.

Thanks for all the effort that’s gone in to this!

The card is my own effort to replicate the “system flow” that is shown on the inverter screen. I guess there are a couple of different ways you can read the inverter registers and then some more ways to integrate into Home Assistant. I’ve only tried the ESPHome route.

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New Release v1.2.2
NOTE: The card configuration has changed from release v1.2.0. Please see the README


  • Grid Connected /Grid Disconnected status now displayed with separate icons ( “mdi-powerline” / “mdi-powerline-off”)
  • Grid Disconnected dot removed and instead the “grid disconnected” icon colour can be configured through the card config to match your colour scheme


Great power flow card!

I also use the kellerza sunsynk addon to generate MQTT sensors from my inverter via a RS485 to USB adapter plugged into the HAOS Pi4.

Did you follow a tutorial on how to configure ESPHome to utilize a RS485 adapter to create the modbus switches; or would that require a RS485 adapter on an ESP32 arduino or something?

Thanks again!

v1.3.0 Updates
This release contains breaking changes. See the README for additional required card attributes

  • Display up to four mppts through new solar configuration attribute mppts (one, two, three, four).
  • Add option to hide non-essential from full card and reposition daily grid when enabled.
  • The simple card has been removed. This view can be created using the full card and setting show_aux: no and show_nonessential: no.
  • Add option to invert AUX power. Set to yes if your sensor provides a positive number for AUX input and negative number for AUX output.


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There is some information on this GitHub that can help you but I moslty followed the discussion here. The ESP32 connects directly to the RS485 adapter. Once you flash the config it registers all the switches and sensors through ESPHome.

can you add also daily grid export power and energy… currently it only shows daily grid but I would like to have it split in import and export grid

same behaviour like storage charge and discharge

Good idea. I’m sure I can add that

@elRadix added to v1.3.3

Please note card configuration changes for this release. Refer to the README

v1.3.3 Updates

  • New card options for grid - show_daily_buy: ‘yes’ and show_daily_sell: ‘yes’. These replace the old show_daily attribute
  • New sensor entity added - grid_sell_day_77
  • Daily Grid Sell Total displayed on the card
  • Ability to toggle on/off “Daily Grid Buy” and “Daily Grid Sell” independently

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the buy and sell outputs on card is shown the same data although I’m using the correct different entities.

Can you please check

Please try release 1.3.4

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fixed thank you!

another proposal:
make the entities clickable to show the more info popup so that I can check the history easily for each entity on the card

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what is essential_power & nonessential_power?

I am using a Goodwe ET 10k Hybrid Inverter I want to understand the logic behind these 2 powers and what can be replaced or recreated using template sensors

I found the below explanation on another forum:

The Sunsynk has three of connection points.

  1. Grid input/output. This is a bidirectional connection where the grid connects to the inverter. You can connect loads before this and these will be considered non essential loads. You can supply these loads from pv or battery but only when the grid is available. If the grid is down then these loads will not be powered.
  2. Load connection. This is the primary ups load connection or essential loads.
  3. Configurable aux connection. This can be configured as an additional output to dump excess power such as for a geyser. Depending on settings it can be a secondary non essential output that will still be powered even during load shedding. It can also be used as an input for a generator or a micro inverter.

If you have everything connected to the inverter output. Your inverter load would be your essential load.

Started adding this to the card. The Daily Totals are now clickable in 1.3.6.

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