I’m going to install the webcam on the wall (close to the cealing).
However, I’m wondering which would be a good way to power the webcam. Using the included USB doesn’t seem to be neat, and using a USB socket is bigger than I would like.
How do you power the webcam (or how do you get the USB connector up there?)?
You could shop around to find the best usb cable for your specific needs (like ones woth flat white cables, or 90* plugs). Hiding a wire in a wall is pretty simple… drill 2 holes on the top and bottom of the wall, and use a fishing tape (or similar stiff metal wire) to pull a usb plug from bottom to top. Usually a peice of coat hanger wire helps to grab the tape from behind the second hole.
Note some buildings have ‘blocking’ half way up the wall to prevent fire spread. If the wall has blocking, you can get a long flexible bit (electricians fishing bit) to drill it from the top or bottom holes so you can pass your wire through. Alternatively if you don’t have a long flexible drill bit and you are good at wall repairs, you can cut a third hole at the blocking, and use a chisel to notch it to pass a wire.
The required tools to deal with fire blocking are not cheap, but they are very handy for all kinds of wiring jobs if you like doing those kind of things often. Otherwise, make friends with an electrician and they are often happy to help for weekend beverages.
I had to read it 3 times before I realized you probably live in the US where they don’t have real walls, but a wooden or metal frame covered with gyproc.
However, I don’t know if I’ve understood your reply.
To have the 5v wire I would need an adapter to get those 5v, right?
And then convert it to a mini-USB connector (the needed by the IP CAM).
By ‘real walls’, I’m guessing you mean cinderblock, cement tilt-up, etc… hehe, yes I agree it would be a lot more involved getting wires up those kind of walls.
On a side note, I think real/fake walls is a misnomer. Hear me out (hope I don’t sound triggered here):
If you think about it, ‘columns’ are perhaps our most ancient structural technology; these methods were used as far back as the great pyramids, and even earlier. OTOH ‘hollow shells’ are a much more modern technology; modern aircraft, rockets, and F1 racers are great examples of this (aka ‘monocoque structures’).
When we factor in how much easier it is to add wires to a stick wall as well, it becomes even more clear that stick framing is much more modern/high tech vs brick/block/cement walls.
So to me that characterization of real/fake walls is in a way backwards from what it should be. It seems like the more pejorative term should be attached to the inferior technology. So then, US stick framed homes would be ‘real’, and block walls ‘fake’. That still doesn’t sound accurate at all to me. When we compare the structures of a jet airliner to the pyramids, the terms legacy/modern seem more accurate.
So if you will, it makes sense to refer to stick walls as ‘modern’ and columnar walls as ‘legacy’.
Yes, the cable between the camera and the socket is visible. How could it be otherwise? I’m happy with it and would recommend it, but there may be a better option.