ioBroker user thinking about switching

I use ioBroker for about 8 years now.
I have a smarthome with lots of sensors/actors using zigbee/bluetooth/shelly/fronius/esp/fritz etc.

I am fed up eith the complexity and the constant tinkering to keep iobroker running with all those components. Especially the visu is a piece of crap, so I installed Lovelace and fell in love(lace).

I tested them with a small home assistant and I think everything that I need will be supported. However, I use a LOT of very complicated javascripts to control things like light groups and automations to control lights/dehumidifiers
Washing machines, pool heating and my pv generator and wallbox.
Most important I have a floorheating that us controlled via a script communicating with my ems bus.

I tried to find out about a way to transfer those scripts to homeassistant because I cannot run my home without a way to program things by myself. Is there a way to run scripts like that (regardless what language, I can learn a new one fast).

You can use java with Node-red, which is a native addon for HA…:wink: