iOS Actionable Notification not... notifying

I am trying to use Actionable Notification for iOS.
I have prepared a script and it’s working, but when I prepare an automation to run the script whenever an event is occuring, the script is called (i see it from the log), but the notification is not arriving to my iphone. It happens that the “timeout” branch is executed of course, as i cannot choose the action becaouse i don’t receive any notification.

Any idea on how to solve this?

The script:
alias: Chiedi se si vuole chiudere il garage
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_di_giuliano_ita
      message: Vedo che sei uscito; vuoi chiudere il garage?
          sound: Vuoi_che_chiuda_il_garage.wav
          - action: CHIUDI
            title: Chiudi garage
          - action: ALLARMA
            title: Chiudi e metti allarme
  - alias: Wait for a response
      - platform: event
        event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
          action: CHIUDI
      - platform: event
        event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
          action: ALLARMA
    timeout: '00:00:10'
  - alias: Perform the action
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ wait.trigger != None and ==
              "CHIUDI" }}
          - service: system_log.write
              level: info
              message: >-
                Script <Chiedi se si vuole chiudere il garage> - <<< Chiudo
                garage >>>
          - service: script.chiudi_garage
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ wait.trigger != None and ==
              "ALLARMA" }}
          - service: system_log.write
              level: info
              message: >-
                Script <Chiedi se si vuole chiudere il garage> - <<< Chiudo
                garage e metto allarme >>>
          - service: script.chiudi_garage_e_metti_allarme
      - service: system_log.write
          message: Timeout
          level: info
mode: single

Thank you!

If you open the App Configuration panel and got to Notifications, do you see “Permission Enabled” at the top and “Push ID” at the bottom with a long string after it? If you don’t see both of those, you’ll need to enable notification permission and maybe hit the “Reset” button at the bottom to register the Push ID.

Also, do you see notify.mobile_app_iphone_di_giuliano_ita in the list of services at Dev Tools->Services? If not, it may be because of the above or you may need to go back through App onboarding. I recommend testing notifications in Dev Tools->Services to make sure they work before attempting actionable notifications.

Thank you Rob for your answer.
My App Configuration is fine i think; infact, if I run the script it is working and I receive the notification. Also working from Dev-Tools>Services.
The strange thing is that if the Script is invoked by an automation, the notification is not arriving.