IOS App only uses remote url

I am using Nabu Casa for remote access, which works fine. But when I am at home and connected with my wifi, it still uses the internet connection and is ignoring the internal url. This happens even when my internet is down - I can’t access home assistant anymore though sitting in my living room. Using a webbrowser I can access HA using the internal url. The setting in my app always shows Remote UI Url as connection.
As it is also slower using Nabu Casa than access directly, I want it to use the internal url when connected to my wifi. I reinstalled the app, same result.
SSID is set, constant location is allowed.
Any ideas please?

Can you confirm the location settings in its entirety? Required for SSID detection is:

  1. ‘Always’-level location services permission
  2. ‘Precise’-level location accuracy permission

Both must be set for the SSID to be readable.

yes, both settings as requested.

I just noticed something strange: I switched of the HA Cloud and deleted the address in external URL. It should not be able to use anything but the local connection. But even after restarting the companion app it shows a connection through Remote UI URL.

Also, I took a look into the help of Nabu Casa and found:

Automating availability of the remote UI

As a Home Assistant user, you might like to automate things. We understand! The cloud component exposes two service to enable and disable the remote connection: cloud/remote_connect and cloud/remote_disconnect. That way you can turn on the remote connection only when you leave the house and need it.

Not sure, if this is the solution. More a workaround.

Nothing in the HA server’s settings will prevent the app’s choice of internal or external/remote-ui URL; that’s determined only within the app.

Can you screenshot a few things?

  1. The internal URL edit screen
  2. The external URL edit screen
  3. The server’s overall settings screen

Feel free to redact the public URLs and whatnot, but it may be worth verifying the URLs work by ‘save’-ing the internal URL, for example, which attempts to connect on that URL when saving.

Here the screenshots.

I used the service “cloud/remote_disconnect” and found, that then the app is using the local connection.

Just noticed, the app on the iPad using exact same settings is using the internal url.

Are there any spaces in the SSID name in the list there? Tapping the “Neue SSID hinzufügen” button should insert the current SSID the app is aware of into the list if it isn’t already there which may be a way of validating it can inspect it.

Nope, no spaces. I deleted the ORBI5G from the list as I am connected to it and tried to add a new SSID. The one I am currently connected to is not recognized and I have to fill it in myself.

Sounds like something is wonky with permissions. Not sure what’s happening, especially if location services looks correct. Do you have any kind of MDM profile or other restriction? If not, it might be worth doing the “nuclear” option - resetting privacy settings. This will affect all apps on your device, which will need to re-prompt for permissions. Perform:

  1. In the system Settings app, go to General
  2. Go to “Transfer or Reset iPhone”
  3. Choose “Reset”
  4. When prompted, pick “Reset Location & Privacy”
  5. Confirm
  6. Re-launch the Home Assistant app

Sorry, but didn’t help. The use of the service to switch on and off Nabu Casa does the trick. But thats just a workaround. Looks like it is something on my iPhone, I checked the iphone of my wife and this one doesn’t have the problem.

Hi, I have the same issues with my iphone.
Strange. Was it resolved somehow?

It somehow solved itself. Maybe an update - honestly no idea.