iOS app - privacy policy

The reason I moved to HASS from Vera (or any other z-wave controllers on the market) is becaz of privacy, why should Vera or anyone know when I turn on things and how I use them. I moved to open source and I am having fun setting up.

With the iOS app, is this a direct connection from my iPhone to my HASS running at my home? with all the components (location, notification, device tracker) turned on is there anything being stored in the cloud of anyone’s server that I don’t know of.

thanks in advance.

iOS notifications must go through Apple’s servers, so yes, something does pass through someone else’s server. For device tracking the connection is direct to your server.

So to confirm your thinking, yes we only directly interact with your HASS instance. The only place your data travels outside of your phone and your HASS instance is when a push notification is sent from HASS. It must travel through our servers to be sent to Apple who forwards it to your phone. But, most people aren’t giving away super sensitive information via push notifications.

…maybe i’ll add push notification encryption so that no one in the chain is able to see your push… hmmm…


Oh also should’ve mentioned, we collect exactly 0 analytics from the app. The only communication that concerns you or your data is between you, your HA instance, our little push notification system and Apple.

thats good. thanks for the clarification.

using the app for sometime now, does it automatically update the devices status without me refreshing it like how it refreshes on the browser on local machine.

maybe add fingerprint authorization also? Still feels a bit too easy to enter now when finding ones iPhone, without any app-login authorization

and many thanks!