iOS Apps setup error: “URLSessionTask Failed” with “SSL Error”

I reinstalled the iOS app to try to get my cloud connection working after reading some troubleshooting posts in the forum.

However after I reinstalled it, I couldn’t get past initia set. My cloud nabu casa server url is detected but once I tap It, I always get this error:

I’ve tried “start over” and this always occurs.

Did a google and forum search and surprisingly didn’t find anything.

Figured out what the issue was. At some point I added in as a trusted proxy (don’t ask me why) and I didn’t realize this automatically turned off Home Assistant cloud (independent of using the iOS app).

When I tried to setup the iOS app again like I described it wasn’t able to connect to HA cloud for my instance because it wasn’t enabled. I wish there was a better error message to indicate the failure more clearly.