IOS Critical/High Notifications

I have a flow that takes a snapshot of a camera and it works, but I want to make the notification a critical/high where it stands out. I was reading in the companion docs to add critical:1, but i’m not sure how to put this in JSON. Still learning, but could someone assist me?


Post it as text to begin with.

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Sorry, I thought it would be something simple and my placement.

   "title": "Motion Detected",
   "message": "Motion at the front door!",
   "data": {
       "attachment": {
           "url": "",
           "content-type": "jpg",
           "hide-thumbnail": "false"

According to the documentations it seems to be something like:

   "title": "Motion Detected",
   "message": "Motion at the front door!",
   "data": {
       "attachment": {
           "url": "",
           "content-type": "jpg",
           "hide-thumbnail": "false"
                "name": "default",
                "critical": 1,
                "volume": 1.0

@Hellis81 so weird, I pasted this into my original node and didn’t work, but I reverted the changes and it still wasn’t working. So I ended up creating a new node and copied the settings and it’s working now. Very odd, when my nodes aren’t working I have to recreate them and then they start working again. Thank you for your help.