Ios device_tracker one iPhone works perfect - the other not so much

I have 2 iPhone6 setup on 0.63.3. One works the other sort of does. installed on a VM running Ubuntu 16.04 and it has worked properly for over 4 months.


The first phone I setup:

  • The Badge tracks properly
  • No tracking on the map - only see the zones
  • All device tracking switched on the phone are setup correctly
  • No zone enter/leave notifications are received

The second phone I setup:

  • Setup a week later.
  • On “map” tracking works properly
  • The phone setup is exactly the same as the 1st phone.
  • All zone enter/leave notifications are received
  • Everything working properly from what I understand from the docs

I have reinstalled - no change.
All yaml files appear to be correct…

Any ideas on where I should start looking???


Anyone - Any idea?

In the iOS app under location settings does it show your Home zone with lat long and radius?

Yes - for both iphone instances…

Probably assuming you tried deleting and reinstalling app? If so my best guess would be deleting iOS.conf and let it recreate then press the update push settings from app on each phone. I have it on 3 devices and two were flakey at first. Also make sure the device ID in the app is different I had two that just said iPhone which caused some issues

Thanks - I’ll give it a try right now!!

did you mean .ios.conf?

I don’t think mine is hidden but whatever one is in your config dir

Yes that’s the one

Mine was hidden - I removed it and it was rebuilt ( still hidden ).

But still not shown on the Map

Are you currently in a “home zone”. Somewhere is a setting to hide when in a zone let me look for it

Yea - in Home zone

There is note that says it won’t show in Home zone

Thanks, I’ll get a friend to check!!! Will take a few minutes

And as far as the enter exit zone notifications mine are spotty at best but I also don’t work far from home so by the time it notices I left work I’m nearly home so I made a group that uses two device trackers together iOS and asuswrt device discovery it seems to get my lights outside lights on by the time I pull up about 90 percent of the time

I used a python3 script to ping the phone and use mqtt to turn on lights, etc, when I got close to the house. Works very good.

She says that its not visible on the map. I reviewed the ios.conf and before and after updating and it was identical.

Do you show a ._ios_devices.yaml or ios_devices.yaml in /config?

Quick Update: HA 0.64.0 fixed the problem…Thanks