iOS device_trackers unknown for multiple devices on 2022.11.2

That’ll be in the server, here: Link to Zones – My Home Assistant

Ah - the redirects never work for me for some reason. Is it <ip>:<port>/config/zone? I already have my home zone defined and it shows up correctly on this page:

EDIT: I actually have the lat/long defined in customize.yaml:

  latitude: !secret latitude
  longitude: !secret longitude
  radius: 140
  icon: mdi:home

EDIT 2: I had a thought that maybe I shouldn’t reference secrets.yaml from customize.yaml, so I put the actual float values in for latitude and longitude, then restarted HA. The iPhone device_tracker is still unknown.

I think something is preventing your latitude and longitude secrets from loading in, or at least it’s causing errors. Do you mind trying to hard-code the absolute values there to see if that helps resolve it?

The error the app is seeing zone-wise is that latitude is being interpreted as a string by HA and not as a double, so that’s what’s going weird at least there.

See above… after waiting a bit, that solved the issue. :flushed: Wow. Thanks for seeing me through this.

What I don’t understand is that as I updated the lat/long values in secrets.yaml, along with the radius in customize.yaml, the zone in the HA UI was clearly updating… so I never thought it could be causing problems.

I think it causes weird cascading issues in other places than the zone display screen, which is JavaScript/TypeScript and maybe a little more forgiving than the Python side of things.

Well, in any case… huge thanks. Please let me know how I can buy you a coffee.

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I have exactly the same problem. 2 iPhones that up to 4 days ago were reporting their location acurately and all automations based on zone-presence were working perfectly. Since 4 days both iPhones seems to be HOME all the time but actually were in various locations/zones but not at HOME.

I already checked the App-Settings, also the location reports in the Companion App have all updated the locations perfectyl but they do not seem to arrive in HomeAssistant. All the other entities are reported correctly into HomeAssistant.

must be a BUG in HA 2022.11.x

were can we report it?

In my case, the problem was not the Core update but a change I made, to reference my home zone coordinates by secrets.yaml entries instead of by hardcoded lat/long.

I’ve since upgraded from 2022.11.0 to 2022.11.2, and it works in both versions.

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