iOS Home Assistant app to prompt me for microphone permissions? frigate Card

Hello, I hope someone can assist me as I am having a difficult time figuring this out.
Currently, I am utilizing a Frigate addon and Card that enables me to respond my intercom with two-way audio.

That operates perfectly on my computer! 2way audio works

Functions precisely on Android smartphones! - 2way audio works

In addition, Safari functions flawlessly on iOS (iPhone) (it prompted me to enable microphone!)

However, when I launch the Home Assistant app on my iOS iPhone, there is no prompt to toggle the microphone.
In addition, when I navigated to Settings Home Assistant, there was no toggle for the microphone.

Since I’ve tested it on three distinct iPhones and they all behave identically, it appears that the Home Assistant app for iOS has a bug?

Has anyone observed this problem?

iOS via Safari + zero trust WORKS!
iOS via Home assistant + Zero trust - Not work ---- so this is something with the Home Assistant App on iOS…
iOS via Chrome + Zero trust - Not work

Thank you,

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This has not been added to the iOS app yet

Are you sure?!
So Home Assistant app does not have the ability to utilize a Microphone on iPhones only on Android phones?
This is a must! how come? do you know if anyone is working on this?

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on iPhones you MUST be connecting to home assistant via https not http location connection, because it does not have the microphone permission implemented yet


Good question. But it’s actually that many apps have limitations (or less functions) on apples in comparison to the same app for androids. Guess it’s easier to get things done for droids and as they are also the majority of the user base they just might be prioritized :man_shrugging:

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Thank you! It is clear now :)!
If I connect via WAN using zero trust, there is no issue using HTTPS, but if I connect via LAN (WIFI), how can I get HTTPS to function because I’m using port 8123?

that’s not really the case here, it is just that the HA Android development has more contributors currently (hence the recent iOS developer job posting by nabu casa)

definitely, checking github it looks like iOS only had only :one: contributor and commit over the last hole month :point_down:

Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 1 commit to master and 1 commit to all branches. On master, 1 file has changed and there have been 6 additions and 1 deletions.

Pulse · home-assistant/iOS · GitHub

On the other hand android for the same time span: August 1, 2023 – September 1, 2023

Excluding merges, 4 authors have pushed 48 commits to master and 50 commits to all branches. On master, 180 files have changed and there have been 3,677 additions and 1,766 deletions.

Pulse · home-assistant/android · GitHub

Quite a difference! :pinching_hand:

When looking @ the play/app store it also looks like most of the people use the android app. The play store list over 1M downloads while apple doesn’t publish that metric at all by the looks of it. Just comparing the amounts of reviews gives 7.810 reviews in the play store VS. 101 ratings in the apple store. That’s around 77 times more reviews for the android app (which can be also obtained from other sources easily without jail breaking). The user base for the android app might not be 77 times higher than the apple version but by the looks of it the android one is far more popular :bulb:

This is really bad, I just came across this. How is it that hard!? Such an important feature that is just completely ignored.