Ios location from app not showing in Home Assistant

I am using and looking to connect the Home Assistant app to my instance of Home Assistant. After downloading the app and configuring it, I am able to get it connected and the battery and plug/unplug status are showing but i have been unable to get the presence to show. Of course, I have searched (and search and searched) but I just seem to find old issues and hacky work arounds. Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work or start to figure out what is wrong?

I am currently on version 58.1 but this existed on previous versions.
In the ios app I have a check next to “iOS Component Loaded” and “Device Tracker Component loaded”.
I use SSL with a commercial certificate authority.

I have attempted to remove the app on my iPhone and clear settings but they still appear to be there. Even after a phone restart, Cleared the ios configuration file, multiple restart combinations. For reference, I have also attempted to connect another iphone and received the same results.

I upgraded from 0.58.0 to 0.59.0 today and also lost the Home Assistant app location functionality.
I’m running a pip install version on a Raspberry PI3.

yes, 0.59 broke iOS but that seems like a separate issue.

same here. ios no longer working for location

59.1 is out and works.

I saw the release notes mention something about iOS configuration but are you saying that you experienced the problem that i describe and now that you have upgraded to 59.1 it is no longer a problem or are you simply saying that you have 59.1 and you do not have the problem?

No, to the 2nd poster this will fix his problem. 59 had a known issue with the iOS app that 59.1 fixes.

Okay, back to the problem that I posted here. Does anyone have any idea? Is your iOS device connected with 58.1 and is it showing the location?

Can you try to set your iOS Locations Services for HA to ‘Always’?

@talondnb thanks - it’s already set to always and i also have background refresh turned on. One strange thing i noticed is that i can’t seem to remove the old settings in the app. I remove the app from my phone and restart it. After that i reinstall it and there are all my settings from before. So, if something is off in the background i don’t know how to remove it for a fresh start. I don’t know whether or not there is but seems sort of strange.

Try reset in the app settings.

I forgot to mention that i tried that a few times. That does clear some of the app configurations but didn’t fix it. with 59.2 is now available. After the upgrade, it seems that the location is now available in Home Assistant.