IOS notification documents are out of date

I am trying to follow the instructions and it’s missing a step. I found in my logs an error " failed to start notification service" and notify.ios was loaded but no devices exist! and points to a page. reading that page tells me that a ios.conf gets magically created. but it doesnt.

So how to I tell HA to magically create this file or how do I manually create this file? I see my phone in the states page with it’s battery level and it’s plugged in status. so my phone is connected.


Update: it seems that the “ios.conf” file does not exist anymore and you have to do things differently, so I will put in my documentation on how I got it to work… Not this works and all other examples I found in the forum do not as they are factually wrong by using notify.iphone which does not exist, or just a plain notify.ios which also will not work

install the IOS device and connect to your HA install. turn on the notifications function and then tell it to update push settings. Now you can get push notifications…

but you are not there yet… open the “known_devices.yaml” and look for the “name:” tag… THAT is the device you will talk to…

notify.ios_yourdevicenamegoeshere is how you get the notification sent.

my example below is exactly what I have in my automations.yaml I am triggering it off of a zwave door sensor that toggles between 0 and 255 for closed and open. my iphones name is timiphone.

- id: front_door_open
  alias: FT_Door_open
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.frontdoor_alarm_level_2_1
    above: 200
    service: notify.ios_timiphone
      message: Front Door is Open
- id: front_door_closed
  alias: FT_Door_closed
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.frontdoor_alarm_level_2_1
    below: 200
    service: notify.ios_timiphone
      message: Front Door is Closed

Hope this helps someone that finds all the contradictory documentation out there confusing.

I will say HA is a million times better than OpenHAB, I messed around with it for 5 days and could not get a single door notification to work. HA only took 6 hours from initial install to a zwave door to app notification working.


I agree! Very annoying. The way you use the messages doesn’t show a badge icon.

Anyone figured out how that works. The documentation doesn’t work for me.

Good post, I wish I had found it earlier and it would have saved me a lot of time That is how it works. Well done.

I also tried sometime ago to find the ios.conf file and it seems it is a hidden file .ios.conf.
It was earlier visible but at least in 0.56 it is hidden. Don’t know when it changed. Hope this helps.

If you find an issue…please create a PR to update the docs.

The hidden .ios.conf file may serve the same purpose as the ios.conf file used to - but it is not a new location for the same file. All of the documentation for actionable notifications show you the .yaml that you need to add to ios.conf - but the hidden .ios.conf file does not contain any .yaml - it contains JSON formatted data.

I suspect that the hidden file always existed - even when the ios.conf YAML file also existed - but it would be nice if the original author would post something confirming that the ios.conf YAML file is no longer created and that JSON updates must now be added to the hidden file. There are many people who think their iOS component is broken - or struggle to configure it - because the documentation doesn’t match the current implementation.

On another note, I’m using the “category: map” type of push notification and also specifying the “second_latitude” and “second_longitude” parameters to get an additional push pin on the map - but I have 2 questions about the “category: map” features:

  1. When only using a single latitude/longitude, is it possible to control the scale/zoom level of the map? Is it possible to make the map clickable - or create an ‘open map in Maps’ link so I can manually zoom in on the area if I want to?

  2. When specifying a second set of co-ordinates, the map contains a label overtop of the second pin which says “New Location”. Is it possible to hide this label - or specify a name other than “New Location” for it?

If anyone knows the answers to these questions - or how to accomplish what I’m asking about - I’d be grateful for some assistance…
