iOS Notify Actions not working

Hey All,

I have an automation that I want to send me an iOS with some options. However i get the following error in the logs when it triggers;

Invalid service data for notify.ios_sam: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘push’]. Got OrderedDict([(‘category’, ‘alarm’)])

Here is my automation;

alias: iOS Ask Alarm
      platform: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.sam
      from: 'home'
      to: 'not_home'
      service: notify.ios_sam
        message: "I see you have left, activate alarm?"
          category: "alarm"
alias: Activate Alarm
      platform: event
      event_type: ios.notification_action_fired
        actionName: ACTIVATE_ALARM
      - service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.house_alarm

Here are my catagories;

  - name: Alarm
    identifier: 'alarm'
      - identifier: 'ACTIVATE_ALARM'
        title: 'Activate Alarm'
        activationMode: 'background'
        authenticationRequired: no
        destructive: yes
      - identifier: 'DE-ACTIVATE_ALARM'
        title: 'De-Activate Alarm'
        activationMode: 'background'
        authenticationRequired: yes
        destructive: no

Anyone point me in the right direction?

resolved it should read;

service: notify.ios_sam
        message: "I see you have left, activate alarm?"
                  category: "alarm

So now i have the notifications workings, when i get the notification to my iphone, when i see it pop up and drag it down i get the options.

If i miss it and its on my home screen when I press it, it just loads the app and doesn’t show me the options? Am i missing something here. What if i miss the notification how can i open the options form the home screen?

Nope. That’s the way it works. You have to be careful. Annoying I know.

I find if I swipe left and click “view” rather than dragging down I have less of a chance of accidentally dismissing the message.

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Thanks Tom, agree it’s not perfect for reference on the iPhone X u have to press hard to get the options it’s not a swipe

Ah ok. One of the few benefits of me not upgrading my phone, no 3D touch on the 6.