iOS Remote Widget On/Off and Mute button not working

I have a media player setup using the universal template. The entity was added to homekit and I can turn on and off the TV using the Home app. However, the power button in the remote widget surprisingly doesn’t work. The same issue with the mute button. Any idea?

Same problem here!

It’s honestly weird. If the on/off is working in the home app, no reason it shouldn’t work in the ios remote app/widget

@TullySuly Did you ever get this one resolved? I’ve got an identical issue now.

Weirdly volume controls & play/pause work from the Remote Widget, but the power & mute do not. The power from the home app does though.

Mine is setup using a universal template, and I have automations setup to allow direction controls etc, that also work.

EDIT: Just found this: Homekit TV remote ON/OFF does not work but works in Home App · Issue #105272 · home-assistant/core (