Ios shortcuts and input select

Hey guys,

Im trying to create a ios shortcut to fill in a input_select entity. Did anyone tried already? Im struggling with the syntax and need a little bit help.

my entity looks like this:

    name: Radio
      - bitte auswählen...
      - Play 181.FM Buzz
      - Play 1LIVE
      - Play Antenne Bayern
      - Play Radio BOB!
      - Play WDR5
    initial: bitte auswählen...
    icon: mdi:radio

The entity is working fine from home assistant app!

Now i want to select the entity from ios shortcut with “Play Radio BOB!” and tried:

The shortcut is successfully executed, but nothing happens. Can someone assist?

thanks in advanced!



Try this:

Hi M1ke,

thanks for your response! This isnt working too :frowning:

Okay I found the solution for myself :slight_smile:

This is the way how it works:

Strange - because when I tested, it worked perfectly. Maybe you did something different…